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kiara and sarah were on there way around town when her phone buzzed, 'who is it' sarah asked, she shrugged, 'john B' she then let out a chuckle, 'what' sarah said, 'look' kiara replied as she showed her the photo jb had sent, sarah let out a giggle, 'awwww there so cute' kie added as she admired the picture, sarah let out a smile as she pulled out her phone, 'look i got this photo of you and the boys the other day' she said as she showed her the photo, kiara pouted her lips, 'thats so cute' she replied, sarah giggled as she sent jj the photo, 'your so annoying' kiara replied, she smiled, 'i know' she smiled.

as they got to the edge of outerbanks they pulled over to the first house, where they got out of the van, 'are we really gonna knock on every door of outer banks to find this woman and if we do find her who says she gonna take her kids back' sarah says, kiara sighs, 'i dont know, i dont know, i dont know, all i do know is that, those boys deserve a mother and i dont want them to grow up to think we never tried to find her so were gonna look, wether we find her or not at least then we can say we tried' kiara replied, sarah smiled at her as she pulled her into a hug, 'were gonna do our best' she whispered.

with that they walked up to the house and knocked on the door, when an old man appeared, 'hi can i help with you something' he asked, 'yes uhhh does a younger woman named laura live here' kiara asked, he shook his head, 'sorry girls but i dont know a laura' he replied, the smiled as they nodded there heads, 'no its ok, thank you tho' they replied back to him as they waved and walked away and moved to the next house, which was also a bust and so was the next house and the next and the next and the next and the next the girls had nearly made it to the end of town.

it was getting dark they were tired and were on the edge of giving up when they got the last door, 'is there any point' sarah asked, kiara sighed with a smile, 'no... but were gonna do it anyway' sarah sulked, 'come on for the boys' kiara said, sarah rolled her eyes as she walked to the door, when the door opened there faces dropped, 'laura!' it was her, her face went wide, 'hi- oh god' she replied, the girls stormed inside her house, both of them instantly filled up with rage, words were splurging from there mouths, laura couldn't handle it, 'right, right CALM DOWN!' she shouted silencing the two girls, until kiara finally spoke up again, breaking the awkward silence that had quickly filled the room.

'how could you, those boys are so amazing and beautiful and... hurt, they ask me everyday, when's mummy coming home, when we gonna see mummy again and ive just got to sit there and lie to them and tell them that they'll see you soon when i know that, thats not gonna happen because of your selfish needs to be by your self and make a bunch of 17 year olds look after your 2 year old and new born baby...' she started crying, 'do you know how hard it is, waking up in the middle of the night because they had a nightmare or because they need feeding'

'yes of course i know what its like! i had to do it for 2 years' laura argued back, 'you. are. there. mother! when you decided to give birth to them you took on those responsibilities as a mother... I DIDNT, but some how im still the one feeding them each day, getting them dressed and showered each morning, making sure they get to bed on time, and waking up at 3 am just to put them back to sleep... how is that fair!' she said through spite, sarah stood there in shock not knowing what to say but knowing that everything her best friend was saying was right.

laura looked at the floor, 'the boys love you... it was the best option' laura said, 'a- and i love them to but im 17! and im not there mother... i would do anything to make sure there ok... but its just so hard!' she cried as she flopped down on the sofa behind her sarah doing the same.

'listen to me kiara' laura said, kiara looked up at her with tears in her eyes, 'i love those boys, with all my heart and thats why it took me so long to leave them and every night i cry myself to sleep knowing i let them go... but i cant take them back' she said as a tear fell from her eyes, 'why?' sarah asked, 'because i love them too much... i- im in some dodgy stuff right now and i know its not gonna go away anytime soon and i cant let them grow up around it because if they ever! got hurt it would be my fault and i couldn't live with that, and i know how much the boys love you, for the whole week were away from you jake wouldn't stop ranting on about kie kie and chay chay and i just knew that you lot were what they needed' kiara sighed, 'ok...' laura looked at her, 'ill do it, ill look after them but if i do this you've got to promise me that your not just gonna appear every now and again coming back to be there mother for a week and then leaving because when they find out your not coming back they are gonna be broken and i will not! let that happen over and over again' kiara said, sarah nodded in agreement, 'yeah your not gonna do that if we keep these boys because i know it aint been as hard for me as it was for her but these boys are still in my heart and i will not sit around and watch them be hurt over and over again' sarah finally piped up, kiara looked at her and smiled, while laura nodded, 'ok' she whispered through her tears, 'as long as you make sure to look after my boys properly' kiara smiled, 'i wouldn't treat them for anything less' she replied, they all smiled at each other, 'well before we leave can i find out some more about the boys like when there birthdays are and that shit' laura smiled as she started telling them all the details about the boys.


when the girls got in the car they looked at each other in shock about what was said, 'wow... i guess were keeping the boys then' sarah smiled, kiara scoffed, 'yep' she said as she dropped her head on the wheel.


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