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the next morning kiara woke up alone in her bed, she looked around and saw no one, she slowly got out of bed and walked out and down to the kitchen where she saw all her boys, 'kie kie!" she heard, she smiled as she walked over to the counter grabbing jake realising that he had only just woke up, 'sleep well' she asked, he nodded his head with a smile as he leant his head on her shoulder, she then turned around to see jj with kai, 'morning' she said as she walked over to him, 'morning' he replied with a hug and a kiss, 'where ae my parents' she asked, he shrugged his shoulders, 'i dont know but id be scared' he said, she looked at him confused, 'why' she asked as she sat at the island, 'well they were gone when we woke up but i found this letter' he said as he handed it to her.

the letter

kiara and jj weve gone out for a bit but will be back later and when we are back you better have found a babysitter because were gonna have a serious talk!

kiara looked at jj with wide eyes, 'oh god what have we done' she asked, he shrugged his arms as he kissed her on the forehead, 'well me and this little one' he pointed to kai, 'have been up since 6 this morning cos he wouldn't stop crying' kiara looked at them as he sat next to her, 'why didn't you wake me up' she asked, 'cos you looked so cute and peaceful anyways i gave him a bath and fed him breakfast and got him changed' kiara looked at the baby as she redone his buttons up, he smiled at her as she fixed his mistake, 'thats so cute' kiara said as she listened to him talking about his morning, 'anyways i called john b and sarah and there on a double date with pope and cleo so as far as i know we have no babysitters' he said, she looked at him in awe, 'your like a little dad' she said to him, his eyes went wide, 'trigger for ya' she said with a smile as she stood up, he smirked at her before kissing her cheek and putting the baby on the couch surrounded by pillows, 'its fine they'll probably be back in a couple hours so we'll just put then down for a nap when they are here' she says he nods his head in agreement as he watched the two boys play.


a few hours later

'JJ, JJ! my mum and dad are back!' she said jumping up and down a bit scared, he ran down the stairs quickly with both boys in his arms, kiara quickly grabbed kai before opening the door for her parents.

'hey mum, dad' she said, 'hey mr and mrs Carrera' jj said as well, they walked in with attitude looking at the kids, 'where's the babysitter?!' anna asked, 'we couldn't find anyone so were just gonna put them up for a nap then we can talk i guess' anna rolled her eyes as kiara and jj went to put the kids in her bed.

when they got back down stairs to the Carreras they all sat around the table kiara and jj on one side and mike and anna on the other, 'so mum-' kiara started before getting cut off, 'i want rid of those kids!' anna shouted, kiara and jj looked at her confused, why was she saying this, 'what mum no!' kiara said, 'no disrespect mrs Carrera but we cant do that' anna shook her head, 'these kids are too much for you too, just last night you two came in at what 3am because you had to pick up these kids! YOUR 17!!!' kiara soon got filled with rage, 'these are my kids!' she shouted, 'NO THERE NOT!' anna shouted back, 'these kids are our kids mrs carrera! we look after them not there mother' jj argued back, 'oh dont you get into this jj! YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE STARTED DATING KIARA YOUR POOR YOUR HOMELESS WITHOUT US AND YOU HAVE NO FUCKING FAMILY!' jjs face went wide, as a couple tears fell from his eyes, without kiara noticing he slowly slipped out the door running away, 'WHAT THE FUCK MUM! jj and those boys are the best thing that happened to me! WITHOUT THEM ID BE DEAD!' she screamed, suddenly mike and annas faces dropped as there voices became more soft, 'w- what do you mean' mike asked, 'on that fucking island i was at my lowest point! i missed you two shit heads and i was scared i was abandoned so i tried to kill myself' she saw as tears fell from her parents eyes, 'and the only thing that kept me here was jj, he found me on the edge of a cliff and he saved me, he talked about what i would miss if i was gone my future everything, and after that when we found those boys i easily could have tried again! but i didn't, instead i stuck around for them and now you want me to lose them again oh and i was attacked by a shark and take a guess who saved me... JJ!' she said anna was fully crying now and mike had tears in his eyes, 'baby we didnt know' anna said, kiara took a step away from them, 'and that makes it any better!?'

kiara turned around to realise jj was gone, 'JJ!' she shouted hoping that maybe he would just appear, 'he left' mike said, 'what!' she replied, 'after what your mother said about him he left' kiara shook her head, 'i hate you! both of you, why would you say that about him!' he shouted as she ran upstairs.

when she got up there she slammed her door shut waking up the kids making them cry, 'sorry baby' she said as she stroked there heads, jake sat up looking at her face witch now had mascara running down it, 'whats vis?' he asked as he tried to wipe away the makeup, 'oh dont worry about it' she said, she then got up and started packing a backpack full of clothes and the boys clothes.

after she was done packing she grabbed a blanket and wrapped kai in it and got a coat on jake, she then went of and left, she didn't know where she was going but she was going somewhere, she wanted to find jj and not only did she want him but she needed him, she was broken right now, 17 and vulnerable with 2 kids and a backpack.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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