1| An Ordinary Day (?)

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It was around fall when this happened. Before I forget, I'll introduce myself...

My name is Ryobo the wolf. And I have a little brother named Itachi.

He's a jackal.

For as long as I could remember, me and Itachi were born from the same mother and have the same father.

Everything in mine and Itachi's lives were going normally and smoothly until today...

-August 26-

Ryobo's POV ❄️

Me and my brother, Itachi, were at the grocery store and were heading on our way back when we suddenly heard the news.

It didn't take a matter of minutes to hear that our parents had ended up and had died in a car accident.

After Itachi and I heard this, we both were in shock and had no words to say.

We couldn't even process what was happening as we were in tears.

Our beloved mom and dad...Just happy and alive one minute. Then suddenly gone the next.

I couldn't hold my emotions in any longer and immediately started to cry as I hugged my brother tightly.

Itachi could only hug me back tightly as he was crying too.

Ever since our mom and dad had passed, things weren't the same without them.

As of right now, me and Itachi would mostly go to their graves and leave them their favorite flowers while we told them about our day and how much we missed them, even though it's not like they can talk back to us or are gonna come back to life and give us a comforting hug.

After we left their graves for the day, that's when things happened out of the unexpected turn when me and Itachi had all of our belongings. Including the things we love and everything.

We were only taking a hike one day before we looked up at the clouds and noticed it was gonna rain.

It didn't take us long to hurry inside a cave for shelter until the rain passes.

After sitting down, I shivered a bit from the cold before huddling in close to Itachi for warmth.

Seeing that the rain wasn't gonna pass for a while, we decided to explore the cave for a little bit until the both of us suddenly fell in a really big hole with strange yellow flowers at the bottom to cushion our fall.

We mostly screamed in fear as we fell until we landed on the flowers.

But, this is when things got really weird.

As soon as we landed on the ground and groaned a little before looking up, we noticed a flower with a smiley face.

What was even more weirder was the fact it literally started talking.

"Hi! My name is Flowey!" The flower began after we looked up at him, before continuing on with what he was gonna say next.

Me and Itachi could only look at him like as if Flowey was something from another planet.

"What the fuck? We're actually meeting a talking flower and he's already wanting to be our friend?" Itachi says as he looked at me while we stood up.

"I don't think I can trust the talking flower as soon as he wants to be friends with us right off the bat. That's way too suspicious and smells really fishy." I replied as I looked back at Itachi while nodding in agreement.

Flowey sweat dropped a little as he heard us saying that.

"Uh, what are you two talking about? Are you guys gonna stand there and talk or what?" Flowey says as he looked at us.

"Dude, don't you think you're being a little weird and suspicious? First off, how can you just say "Let's be friends" since we just met after falling in here? You don't even know us." Itachi stated, making me snicker at that silently as he was stating several good points at Flowey all at once.

After Itachi had stated those points to Flowey, I was pretty sure the talking flower had nothing to say after that.

"Aside from all of this, it's nice meeting you and you look pretty cute for a flower like you." I chuckled before lightly patting the talking flower's head.

"Why don't we take you with us? Maybe you'll get to know better if you're with us."

Itachi nodded his head in agreement over that before he was about to grab Flowey by the stem.

"Itachi, wait! That's not how you do it!" I say while Flowey was hysterically freaking out, saying that we're trying to kill him, before Itachi stopped himself and just pulled his hand back.

"This is how you do it." I continued before pulling out some gardening tools and a flower pot, which only made Flowey freak out more.

Then I just dug Flowey up from the ground, before moving it to the flower pot, putting him in there, soil and all. Just like how a gardener does it.

Itachi's POV 🎸

"There." My older brother, Ryobo, said as he sighed before standing up, showing me the talking flower now in a flower pot.

I sweat dropped a little as the talking flower was still in kahoots about us trying to kill him.

"Oh, shut up. Just be happy my brother treated you the proper way, instead of taking you out of the ground by grabbing you by the stem, like how I was about to do it." I said as I looked at the flower.

"Alright, Mr.Magical talking flower...Tell us more about this place. Where are we anyways?" Ryobo asked, nearly making me laugh at that.

Flowey just went quiet for a bit before sighing and telling us about this place.

"This place is called the Underground. It's where monsters and all different sorts of creatures live here." Flowey explained to us.

"Humans or beings like you aren't seen here very often and is rare to find them here. You two are the last ones to be falling here into the Underground."

"Huh. Well, that makes a lot of sense, seeing that there isn't any other human or mobian here except us." I went as I looked up at the hole me and Ryobo fell from.

"But, are we able to come back home?" Ryobo asked as he looked at Flowey.

"Like as if you'd be able to climb back up to the Surface, from where you guys fell, without dying." Flowey says as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. I suppose you're right." Ryobo sighs as he looked at the hole too.

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