10| Horrortale Toriel

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Ryobo's POV ❄️

When several days and weeks had passed, everything was normal until it was around the middle of the night and after dinner when her strange behavior was confirmed that she was injected with the unknown substance that makes her act or behave exactly like her Horrortale self.

For a while earlier and on the day her strange behavior started, me and Itachi would happen to notice or catch Toriel just watching us from the distance, like she was stalking us but really isn't.

The only time she wouldn't do the stalking and watching is when me or Itachi have to go to the bathroom.

All she would do is just stand there at the bathroom door until one of us comes out before she leaves and just resumes watching us from the distance again.

The last several times she's done that to me, I nearly screamed like I just saw a spider or freaked out a little in fear.

It started to creep the both of us out too when she did that. Not to mention that she became less interactive with us and was quiet most of the time.

All she would ever do is look at us from the distance or just watch us eat our food when she made our meals. Especially during snack time when she makes her awesome, homemade pies.

But lately, the pies were also starting to taste different from the day when Toriel was acting odd, which is what made things stranger and creepier about her.

Even when you try starting a conversation with her, she'll talk a little bit, but instead of continuing it....


"Yes?" She went as she looked at me.

"Are you okay? You're acting a bit weird and creepy." I asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Toriel would reply before ruffling my head fur a little.

She'd end the conversation simply, just like that. This always happened every single time.

The sudden change with her eye colors and clothes was the one that made me feel scared and paranoid the most.

Whenever she comes out of her room or is around us, her clothes were torn at some parts, but not to the point where it'd be revealing.

The angel-like symbol she has on her clothes was mostly torn, showing just the white part of her outfit. The sleeves of her clothing were torn. And the dress part was torn as well, showing mostly one of her legs.

It was a good thing the dress part of her outfit wasn't torn to the point where you'd see her under clothes, because I would've been embarrassed.

It was mostly covering her hip. Just a little bit above the knees, if this makes any sense.

But, aside from the description of her torn outfit, it looked like she tore it with a knife which might explain why one of the knives in the kitchen were missing one day.

As for her eyes, they were changed from her normal eye color to an eerie shade of green.

Like they were glowing a little.

It gave me chills just thinking about Toriel's sudden change.

Looking over my shoulder to see if Toriel was watching me and Itachi from the distance, she was as expected.

The look in her eyes though....And yet, she was only standing there, just staring at us.

Until she suddenly scratched one side of the walls, leaving scratch marks there, while her eyes were looking like they were glowing in the dark spot.

As she kept her gaze on us from where she was standing at, that's when me and Itachi immediately started booking it and went inside his room before slamming the door shut and locking it, after seeing her scratch the wall eerily like that.

"Ryobo, keep that body cam on. But, hurry the fuck up and call Undyne immediately!" Itachi says as he panted a little.

I nodded quickly before pulling out my phone and hitting the call button on Undyne's phone number.

For a few minutes, we were both silently praying that Undyne was still awake or something and will answer the phone.

And as if the universe had answered our prayers, Undyne picked the phone up on her end.

"Hello?" She went.

"Undyne, sorry that I woke you up or was bothering you while you were doing something, but we just confirmed that Toriel was acting strange and is one of the victims the Horrortale doctors targeted!" I began with a panicked tone.

"Wait...What?!?!" Undyne went in shock.

"Yes!" I replied.

As if right on cue, me and Itachi suddenly heard loud footsteps running down the hallway, before we heard banging on the door.

"Ryobo and Itachi, my sweet little dearies! I have something for you~!" We heard Toriel say, her voice so sickly sweet and terrifying at the same time.

"Was that Toriel banging on the door and saying that just now?!" We heard Undyne ask, already sounding really worried, which was no surprise that she heard that.

"Yes! Hurry and get your grooty over here!" Itachi said as he took the phone.

"Don't worry, I will. Just do your best to get away and hide from her until I show up, okay? Keep me on the phone too." Undyne says as we heard her running on her end of the phone.

"Okay!" Itachi says before we suddenly screamed as we heard Toriel slam something on the door, breaking it open with an axe, so she could get in the room.

"Here's Tori~!!!" We heard Toriel say as she had already damaged the door enough to where she can look in the room a little bit.

She couldn't see us through the door, but we could see her terrifying smile and her eerie green eyes through the door.

Me and Itachi ran into the closet, scared shitless, as we tried to stay quiet as we could, once we first made it look like we already escaped through the window immediately.

After for a few seconds, Toriel managed to break the door down with the axe before throwing the axe aside.

"Where did you go, little ones~? Mommy just wants to talk~!" We heard her say.

"Oh? They left? Such a shame. I guess I'll check the closet...Just to be sure!" She continued, making us freeze while our hearts were pounding so hard and fearfully in our chests.

That's when we knew we were screwed when we heard her walking to the closet door.

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