22| Weird Dream

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Toriel's POV 🥧

As we drank hot cocoa together, I looked over and noticed Ryobo was about to fall asleep on me a little, since he already drank his hot cocoa till the cup was empty.

"Aww...Is someone feeling tired?" I cooed, making Ryobo's face turn red.

"No." He lied before looking away from me, while he blushed.

"Yeah, you are~" I teased, before wrapping my arm around his shoulder and pulling him close to my chest.

"Tori!" Ryobo went before burying his face in his hand, already a blushing mess.

I laughed a little bit at that before giving him a head pat.

"Cutie..." I say before Ryobo fell asleep on me, taking a light nap.

Pulling him close to my chest again, I letted the child sleep, while I finished drinking the rest of my hot cocoa off, until the cup was empty.

Then I just read a book for a while until I started to get tired too.

As soon as that happened, I could only get up and take Ryobo with me before heading in the room we were staying in and lying down on the bed together.

The only thing Ryobo's able to do was taking his boots off before falling asleep on the bed. That was pretty much about it.

After that, I just dozed off into my dream too, the two of us not wanting to bother changing into our pairs of pajamas that I brought along...

Ryobo's POV ❄️

As I was asleep, little did I know I was gonna have another dream about Horrortale Toriel again, only it was gonna be really different. Like a weird dream...

~Ryobo's Dream~

I was standing at the bus stop, waiting for a bus to pick me up and to take me to school, when I suddenly noticed a familiar figure heading my way, making me notice immediately that it was Toriel's horrortale self again.

I backed away from her a little bit as I was also ready to defend myself in case she hurts me again, like she did in the previous dream.

"Lower your defenses. Please. I'm not gonna hurt you again this time." Toriel says as she looks at me.

"How can I be sure that you're not gonna hurt me?" I asked.

"Because I'm not doing anything to you immediately right now." She replied.

"Okay, you actually have a point for once. I'll hear you out then." I said.

Then I did what she wanted me to do and listened to her, before I noticed she had tears in her green eyes while she was trembling a bit.

"Are you - - ?" I went before Toriel collapsed to her knees while clutching her head.

I quickly walked over to her and hugged her, as I kept Toriel close to my chest after I got down to her level.

When I hugged Toriel, she literally started crying, burying her face into my shoulder.

No words could express how I felt after seeing Horrortale Toriel fall to her knees and burst into tears.

"What's wrong? This is unlike you." I asked, while looking at her.

"Please...Just help me..." Toriel says tearfully.

"Help you with what?"

"My mental health..." She answered.

"Your mental health? But, why?" I went, feeling confused about what's going on.

"I don't want to be like this...Like a psycho. I-I just want to be me." Toriel replies as she kept hugging me.

I hugged her back tightly in response to that, attempting to make her feel better, before I looked at her.

"Don't worry. I'll help you." I said, hearing a sigh of relief from Toriel, as I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Thank you..."

I gave her a gentle smile in response to that before helping her up to her feet, after I stood up.

"C'mon...I know someone who can help you with your mental health. We just gotta look for them in this dream realm." I said as I gently took Toriel's hand while deciding to walk to school, as she was next to me.

After what felt like a few minutes, I eventually found the person I was looking for.

Sure, the person is a teacher in doctors clothes and is wearing a doctors' coat, but, they have a lot of knowledge on mental health and can actually do something about it.

"Here we are..." I say before taking Toriel in the classroom.

As I would've expected, the classroom was empty like always.

"It's been a while, Mrs.Yura..." I said as I stepped in a room.

"Oh! It's been a while too, Ryobo. What can I help you with?" Yura asked as she noticed me before standing up.

"There's someone here, I brought along, who needs help with their mental health." I say before gesturing my hand over to Toriel.

"Okay. What's you're name, ma'am?" Yura asked as she adjusted her glasses a little before looking at Toriel.

"I'm Toriel..."

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Yura." She says before they shook hands.

When they shook hands, Yura could easily notice that Toriel's hands felt cold.

"Is she the horrortale Toriel?" Yura asked as she turned to face me. "Because I heard there's so many of her, but, she's different in those 'other universes'..."

"Yes." I replied.

"Huh. How odd...Toriel Horrortale wants help with her mental health. This should be interesting..." She went, amused, before grabbing her clipboard and writing something down.

"Yeah. But, we can chat later...Right now, she's your patient." I said.

"Yes. I know." Yura replies as she nodded her head. "I'll take care of her while you're gone. Go on ahead and get to your classes, you can check and see how she's doing when it's around lunchtime. 'Kay?"

I nodded in response to that before Yura wrote me an excuse, in case I don't make it to class before the bell rings.

Before I was about to walk out, Toriel got up and stopped me for a second as she said "Wait..."

"Yeah?" I went as I turned to face her.

Then she pulled me into a hug after getting down to my level.

"Thanks again..." was all Toriel said, making me hug her back as I nodded my head.

"You're welcome, Tori..." I replied as I rubbed her back soothingly while I was hugging her.

Then we parted the hug.

"Alright. I gotta head to class. I'll see ya around lunchtime to see how are things going." I say before leaving the room.

Her Child (Sonic OC x Undertale Crossover) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now