18| Telling Her About The Nightmare

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~Ryobo's Dream~

I could only stand there, panting lightly, as tears ran down to the sides of my face.

"You were saying, you mother fucker?" I say, the tone of my voice filled with rage a little bit over what she has done to the others, as I looked at her lifeless body.

At the same time, I was silently regretting on swearing in front of her on the inside.

Silence filled the room before I sighed.

"Ugh...Why does she have to be Toriel's doppelgänger?! It's just not right..." I thought to myself tearfully as I gripped my head fur a little bit in frustration.

Unfortunately, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I felt something stab me by my shoulder blade.

When I turned to see who stabbed me, my face paled.

"How are you alive?!?! I killed you!" I went, as the attacker was Toriel's horrortale self.

"Hehehe...The horrortale Toriel you "killed" was a fake, sweetie~..." She giggled before I immediately noticed the lifeless corpse vanish in front of me and my eyes.

"Nighty-nite, pretty wolf." Toriel's horrortale self says as she grinned wickedly, before she brought the knife down on me, as I screamed.

-  -  -

"NO!" I yelled out of nowhere as I immediately snapped awake and quickly sat up on the bed, panting a little.

As soon as I woke up, I rolled up my hoodie sleeve and bit my arm really hard until I bled, to see if I was in reality or in another dream.

Realizing that I was in reality after seeing the injury, that I gave myself, was still there on me, I just watched the blood run down my arm for a bit, as pain started to slowly creep in on me.

I sighed in relief as I got up and out of the bed, and went to the bathroom to clean the injury up.

Even though I cleaned it off and what not, my wound still bled after I bandaged it up.

Heading over to Toriel's room for no reason, tears ran down to the sides of my face as I remembered the nightmare I had, before I swung the door open.

Toriel had a startled look on her face after I did that, as she sat up on the bed and setted her book aside while taking her reading glasses off, before she noticed the tears in my eyes and my bleeding arm that's bandaged up.

"Ryobo? What's wrong?? And what happened to your arm?!" She asked worriedly after I ran over to her and hugged her tightly with my uninjured arm.

I couldn't get my words out to her about the nightmare I had and what I did to my arm.

Understanding the fact I couldn't say anything to her right now, Toriel started rubbing my back soothingly, as she was comforting me.

I buried my face in her shoulder in response to the motherly comfort she was giving me, while I trembled a little over the nightmare I was still thinking about.

"Mom..." was all I could utter out before I started crying.

"It's okay, sweetie..." I heard Toriel say as she shushed me gently. "Just let it all out until you start to calm down and feel better."

I only nodded in response to what she said.

We were like this as the room was silent for a few minutes until Toriel spoke up again.

"Heh, you're more of a 'mother's boy' aren't you, Ryobo? Because you've mostly been close and always wanted to join me in my spare times since I met you and your brother." She mentions, making me blush lightly as I nodded when I looked at her.

"Yeah. I am. Itachi's more distant than me and isn't a 'mother's boy' though." I managed to say as I sniffed while I was starting to calm down.

"How cute. Y'know...I think you actually look like me except you're a wolf with different colored eyes." Toriel replied, which was also obvious that she was referring to my white fur.

"Shut up!" I went as my face turned red, making Toriel laugh lightly at my reaction.

After talking a bit, that's when Toriel decided to ask me what was the matter and what happened to my arm.

Taking in a deep breath and sighing, I told her everything about the nightmare I had. Including what I did to my arm.

Judging by her reaction after I was done explaining, I could tell she understood how I felt and why did I hurt myself now.

"Ryobo..." Toriel went before I held a hand up to stop her.

"I think Horrortale you is already a part of you, Tori. Just after you were injected with that unknown substance that made you behave so strangely until now. It's pointless for us to try stopping her.

Even if it meant killing her, she'd still try to come back." I said as I looked at her.

"But, that's crazy...There's no way she's already a part of me." Toriel began.

"Not physically, but emotionally and mentally...That's what I mean." I explained.

"....That's impossible....I thought the cure Alphys gave me would..." Toriel went before trailing off as tears welled up in her eyes while she covered her mouth.

I sadly shook my head "No" as I hugged Toriel.

"Was she lying to us this whole time?!"

"No, Tori. If the cure didn't work at all, we would've been dead in your hands already right now." I replied as I looked at her again.

"You're right. I'm sorry I said that. That sounded really rude of me." Toriel sighed as she rested her hand on her forehead.

"Don't worry, I forgive you. It's not the first time I've heard others say something rude." I chuckled before resting my head on her chest.

Toriel smiled a little in response to that as she ran her hand through my head fur.

"I forgot to tell you this earlier, but, you look really pretty in the kimono that Alphys gave you." I mentioned shyly before I lightly blushed a little.

"Aww, thank you." Toriel replies as she smiled while giving me some head pats. "And you look cute as a button when you're feeling shy and asleep."

"H-Hey! Were you watching me sleep earlier?!" I went, feeling embarrassed.

"Yes. I was almost ready to come in there and cuddle you, like a little kid, because of that." She cooed, making my face turn tomato red.

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