35| One Step Closer

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Euna's POV 🖤

After Toriel passed out from the concoction I secretly snuck in her favorite drink, I setted my cup down and picked her up, bridal style.

Then I carried and took her to a different medical room this time, than taking her to the one where I succeeded in getting her under my manipulation, with just a look in my eyes.

Once I had changed her out of her clothes and into the hospital clothes, I pulled out some machines and an IV full of magenta liquid instead of what doctors normally put them in.

After that, I started the process on hooking Toriel up to the IV, as I already decided on what I was gonna do with her during those past few days.

And when I was finished hooking Toriel up to the IV, I pulled out a syringe and injected something in her by the neck, that would make things easier on me later, when it takes effect in her.

Part of me was wanting to stop everything and just help Toriel out after apologizing to her for what I've done and the mistakes I've made, but, I ignored that half of me and just listened to the dark side of me on what it is I wanted to do to Toriel out of really dark intentions.

As to be sure nothing bad happens to Toriel while I'm in the process of what I wanted her to become, I hooked her up to the heart monitor as well, to keep track of her heart.

The past few years ago until now, I made a serum that'll make her become something I always wanted her to, while I was watching her from the shadows.

And now that I know the serum is successful after I made it and tested it on a spider, I can achieve that expectation.

Right now, when Toriel was coughing up blood after I manipulated her the past few days ago, I also made a serum to take care of that problem and single handedly healed Toriel from her internal injury that was causing her to cough up blood.

But, why did I choose Toriel, when I could've picked any other monster out there in the Underground for this?

Firstly, I have no idea why but she interests me, and secondly...

She has something in her that I don't have.

And I'm not targeting her heart, soul, or her body. Not even for her death.

This is something completely different.

Ryobo's POV ❄️

When it was several days ago, while me and the others were still continuing our search for Toriel, I started having a dream that keeps showing up frequently in my head as I'm asleep during the night, on one hand.

And it's the exact same one, over and over again too on the other.

In it, I'm looking for Toriel in complete and total darkness even though everything was dimly lit.

After calling her name out in it, I actually got a response, making me head towards the direction where I heard her voice.

But, when I do find her, she has that look on her face like she couldn't tell if it was me or someone else who was looking for and running towards her.

Every time I tried getting closer to her after finding her, something is preventing me from coming any closer to her, so she could see my face.

Like an invisible barrier or wall was right in front of me.

The only thing I could see on Toriel from the distance where she's standing and where I'm standing is that her eyes were glowing and are the color of magenta.

She was wearing a dress that looks much like Euna's dress, and there were neon pink chains wrapped around her wrists, restraining her from walking any further to get a closer look at me.

It was almost like someone's not wanting us reunited. Or not wanting Toriel to be found.

I'm strongly guessing that Euna's behind it all.

But, something didn't feel right about Toriel when I think about her eyes that suddenly are the color of magenta and were glowing.

Especially with those neon pink chains that were wrapped around her wrists and restraining her.

It gives me a really bad feeling that something's gonna happen to Toriel, before or after we finally find and reach out to her.

The others have told me that they had the same dream too, so, I basically wasn't the only one who had it.

Fast forward to right now, we're currently still searching for Toriel as Undyne mostly took the skies along with Sans and me, to see if we could find her easily above.

As for the other three that's walking around at the ground, Alphys, Papyrus and Itachi were searching for Toriel there too.

Word spread around fast like wild fire, months ago, when the monsters in the underground heard the news about me and Itachi arriving here and being taken in by Toriel.

But, now, the monsters have gotten wind of Toriel's disappearance and know that we're looking for her, so, I don't think they would easily assume that we would hurt or kill Toriel, if we're currently looking for her, like how we're doing right now.

Plus, with Undyne involved in the search, I'm sure the monsters would be put at ease since I heard through the grapevine that she's a hero other monsters look up to.

For a few minutes, we weren't getting or haven't found anything until I noticed a shiny object on the ground.

"Itachi, are you there?" I asked as I pressed on the communicator, that Alphys already made for us ahead of time, for me to talk to him.

"Yeah. What's up, snowflake?" Itachi responded.

"I just spotted a shiny object on the ground, 20 walks ahead of you, Alphys, and Papyrus. Proceed moving on forward, but, take extreme caution if it's something dangerous." I said as we stopped and landed on a thick tree branch.

"No can do. But, I'm not detecting any dangerous energies coming from the object that's 20 walks ahead of us...We'll still proceed with caution, just to be on the safe side, as you told us." Itachi replied.

"Good. Stay alert. We don't know where Euna could be lurking if she's out and around here somewhere, probably planning to target one of us next." I went.

"I highly doubt she's out here targeting us..." My brother mentioned.

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