(7) ~ Redicision (Part Three)

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I think I'll split this into five parts, but whatever. Enjoy!

Brianna sits on her bed, staring idly at the glossy screen of her phone. She had texted Hiro a few times in the last day. He hadn't replied yet.

Maybe he lost his phone, or his phone is broken, or something like that, Brianna thought. She really hoped that that was true.

Her flight was already booked and paid for her, and she was excited, but the fact that Hiro wasn't replying to her texts really dampened her spirits.

She laid down, closing her eyes for a quick nap.


The next day, she walked out her front door to see Hiro on his way to school. She raised her hand to wave and opened her mouth to say hi, bur he caught her eye for a second and then looked away, riding his bike away. Why?

Brianna rode her bike to her school, thinking about that. Was Hiro avoiding her? And why?

After school, Brianna waits for Hiro as usual at the left gates of SFIT. When Hiro comes out, he takes a look, glances at her, spins around, and heads for the right gates.

"Hiro, wait!" Brianna chased after him. "Why are you doing this?"

He doesn't say anything.


Hiro stops walking. "What's the point of being your friend if you're going to leave, anyways?" He speeds up and walks out of the gates, not even looking back.

Brianna just stands there, the world blurring before her.

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