Number 10: Hug a Jamie

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I wake up the next morning in just as much pain as earlier. This time though, Blake and my dad are up.

"Mija" he dad exclaims, coming to the edge of my bed and planting a small kiss on my forehead.

"Papa, where did Luke go?" I ask him.

"Mija, how about we talk about this later? Let's look at all the gifts people sent over"

"No, I wanna talk about it now papa" I say, gritting my teeth in frustration.

Why is he avoiding the subject?

"I really don't think it's the right time-"

"JUST TELL ME" I yell, cutting him off.

"Luke left" Blake says.

I literally feel my heart shatter.

"Left? Left? Why would he leave??" I sob, feeling my heart collapse.

"He- umm left. Like not coming back" Blake says, standing beside me. I pull him close and cry into his shoulder.

"Why? Why did he leave?" My voice shakes as another sob wrecks my body.

"I told him to" Blake admits.

"What! You're my best friend, how could you?" I scream, hitting his chest again and again.

This isn't fair... how could he fucking do this?

"I'm sorry Julie, I thought it-it would be easier" Blake says.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" I mutter, sobbing.

Luke's POV:
As I'm in my room, nothing had changed. It's exactly how I left it that day.

"Luke, be reasonable" Mitch says, scolding his son.

"I am dad, this is what I want to do with my life" Luke says back, slightly raising his voice.

"You aren't dropping out for your band, it's ridiculous" Emily snaps at him.

"I can do what I want, it's my life" Luke yells.

"While you are under my roof, you live by my rules. Understood?"

"No! I hate y'all so much" Luke yells back, storming into his room. He grabs whatever he can, stuffing a bag full of clothes.

"Take that back right now Lucas Patterson" Emily says, coming behind him.

"I won't take back the truth" he growls at her, grabbing his guitar and pushing past her.

"If you leave this house now, don't bother ever coming back" Mitch yells.

"FINE, I HOPE I NEVER SEE YOUR FACES AGAIN" Luke screams running out the door. Emily sobs and chases her son but he's already to far away.

I can't believe I said those things, I didn't mean them and I certainly didn't mean to hurt my parents like that.

"Lucas baby, what's on your mind"

"I never meant what I said, I was just upset. I hope y'all don't hate me" I admit.

"Oh baby, we could never hate you. We can't even hold a grudge, you're a child. I love you so much Luke" my mom says kissing my head.

Julie's POV:

The next week or so was terrible. Everything is grey without him.

You know how you never realize how much something means to you until it's gone, that's exactly what I feel about Luke. I never realized how much joy he bright me, I mean I knew I loved him and he was amazing but it never really set with me until now. Now I know, I was crazy totally in love with him and he made my world brighter.

now everything is dim...

They've kept me in the hospital and are way to afraid to ever let me go out. So I've spent my time in the lounge area, talking to Blake and reading. It's a good distraction from the fact that I'm slowly dying.

I was made at Blake, really really mad at him. But I do understand that he was trying to do what was best.

I sit down in my usual spot hug I notice someone whom I haven't seen around before.

For the first time in what feels like forever, I take a leap. I get up and sit next to this mystery person.

"Hi" I say. The dude pulls out his earbuds and greets me with a quiet hello and a soft smile.

"I've never seen you around before" I say, my thumb circle my knee as I rest my hand there.

"Yeah, I just got moved here. I'm sure it'll be a nice place to die" he says, the last part coming out biterly.

"Oh I'm sure, I even want my wake in the nurses station" I joke. He actually laughs and closes his book.

"You're pretty funny" he smiles.

"Thanks. So what brings you to this party?"

He gives me a look of disgrace and I realize how awfully rude that was.

"Oh my god, I am literally so sorry. I don't even know why I asked that, it just came out. I have basically no filter" I babble on. He burst out laughing and now I'm just concerned.

"It's totally fine but watching you flip out was pretty funny. I have cystic fibrosis"

"Damn, I have stage 5 lung cancer" I say.

"I am so sorry, that must suck"

"I'd say it sucks an average amount" I joke.

He leans over and gives me a hug. For a second I'm so shocked by the action that I don't move but then I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"Sorry if that was weird, you just felt like you needed a hug" he says.

"Thanks I kinda did" I say, giving him a small smile.

"Im Julie by the way"

"Im Theodore James but my friends call me Jamie. Now you must come with me because I saw this super hot guy at the cafeteria and I need back up" he says pulling me from the couch.

A/n: y'all were nearing the end and it breaks my heart💔

I hope y'all have loved it so far and I really hope y'all like the end. -R

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