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I collapse against the mattress below me as I feel the muscles in my legs tremble violently. It's been a while, I mean, a long time since I've had an orgasm as wonderful as this one.

I want to try to remember when it was, but I can't. Not after my chest is still rising and falling fast and heavily, my mind is still on the stars and my body is all goose bumps when the redhead, with her heart-shaped lips, slides up and hovers over me.

Her gaze is so intense it makes that chill rise in my stomach and the mischievous smile settle on my face. She bites her bottom lip and my smile widens when I notice her shoulders and arms so red from scratches.

Hot sex. Amazing sex. Wild sex. Being wanted and having my body adored that way. I didn't know I missed being admired like that so much, until I actually noticed her looking at me like that. Like I was the only person in the world who mattered and she wanted to possess in a seductive and wild way at the same time.

"See something you like?" she whispers softly in a husky voice and puts her hand on the back of my neck, tangling her fingers in my hair.

"Maybe." I bite my bottom lip as she gives it a light squeeze, followed by a tug and kisses me again, collapsing her sweaty body on top of mine and I wrap my legs around her waist. Where did I get the strength to do this? I could have sworn my legs were like jelly a few seconds ago.

We roll over in bed in a silent struggle to decide who's on top and I obviously win.

"I like your duality and flexibility." the redhead says when we moves away, with a bright look and full of lust at the same time.

"Duality, huh?" I distribute kisses on her neck and feel her squeeze my thigh, sliding her nails along the side of it.

"So domineering and aggressive one moment, then be so submissive and charming the next."

"Are you always good with words?" I raise an eyebrow questioning her.

"I'm good at a lot of things, I could show you a few more..." she says in a suggestive tone as she taps her fingers from my thigh to my waist, causing a strange tingle.

"I confess that I'm curious and tempted to find out what you say you're good at, but this is the first and last time we met." I bite her shoulder and slide the tip of my tongue over her collarbone. I smile when I see all the marks I made on her perfect body.

"You know how to break a woman's heart." She laughs softly and I roll my eyes. I place a hand on her chin and pull her face to mine, now she has an amused glint in her eyes.

"How about if we talk less and produce unforgettable memories for this one-night stand?" I whisper as I bite her lower lip and slide my knee between her legs, making her let out a low moan.

"As I said, your duality is incredible. I don't know if I'm grateful for the soju bottle or those feline eyes of yours that caught my attention." She slides her mouth over my jaw very gently, making me shiver completely.

"You can thank me by moaning my name, Jisoo."

"It will be an honor, Jen." The heart-shaped lips widen in a smirk before joining mine again.


I'm starting to chop vegetables for dinner and wondering when life will start to look good again. I mean, those who see us from the outside really believe that we're perfect and examples to be followed. That I have a hardworking, dedicated, responsible wife who loves me unconditionally. Two beautiful and intelligent daughters.

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