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It's almost 9 pm, I'm famished and we're far from finishing this project. I drop the pen under the table, rubbing my eyes and letting out a loud moan of frustration.

My problem is not working late, the problem is my co-worker. Lalisa Manoban. She's married, has two daughters. That should be the biggest reason I didn't fall in love with her, but I wish things were that simple.

I still remember the huge, bright smile she gave me when we first met. I like smiles, but hers... I'm sure she could get me out of my orbit and I can look at her for hours.

What I like most about Lisa is that she is always so cheerful and energetic. Optimism and idiocy are part of her, almost as if she was born for it. I think it's amazing the way she makes me laugh easily and I've been falling for her every day more.

I knew she was attracted to me, even though she always respected me and never tried anything because she's married, but we got to a point where I just wanted to shake her anyway. I needed to know that I had some power over her, even if it was little, even if it was wrong.

And then that day happened. We traveled to a convention, on business, and we were assigned to share a room. She looked a little restless and nervous about it, but she didn't say anything to me.

That night, after we went out to dinner and had a really fun night out, it started to rain and we ended up getting wet. It was funny because we started running one after the other like two children getting irritated, but things changed the moment she entered the room and closed the door, leaning against it, still laughing at the joke that I still don't know how started.

When I stopped laughing and looked at her, it was as if she had literally become the personified goddess of beauty. I opened and closed my mouth several times, looking at her whole body, and I felt that crazy impulse rise from somewhere inside me.

She called me, I could see her mouth move, but I couldn't hear what she was actually saying. So I did the best and worst thing I've ever done in my life: I kissed her.

For the first few seconds, I think she was so surprised, she didn't reciprocate and I thought I screwed it up, after all, I was kissing my incredibly sexy and hot coworker, who's married, but then something surprising happened: she reciprocated, and not in a love way. It was hot, urgent and capable of melting whatever judgment was left in my mind.

I've never felt that way with anyone, not even with the people I thought I was really in love with, but here were me and Lisa, both naked, panting, sweaty and I've never felt so good in my life. As if the world had changed while we were worshiping each other's bodies and, for me, it really did.

Since that day, we've continued on this. We looked like a couple of teenagers in love and full of hope, it was like Lalisa and I were really born for each other. I felt it deep in my heart and soul. Whenever I looked into her eyes, they showed me the same feeling there was in me and I couldn't be happier.

But it's not all flowers, complications began to arise. It was the week of Lisa's youngest daughter's birthday party and I was traveling to Australia on monday to sort out some family issues.

Lisa thought it was a good idea for us to have a quickie in her office since everyone was gone and we wouldn't see each other for a week. I even tried to say no, but Lisa always managed to convince me to do crazy things, or rather, our story was crazy.

And it was when I was leaning against her desk, feeling her deft, quick fingers inside me that Jennie's, aka Lisa's wife, scream made us freeze. I guess I was never as offended as I was then, but I wasn't mad at Jennie, she was in her right, I was mad at myself for letting things go that far.

I still had hopes that Lisa would come after me, I really thought her marriage was over. I even postponed my ticket to wednesday, hoping, but then monday and tuesday, no sign of Lisa. Irene told me that she was not feeling well and would be away for a few days. It was then that I decided to ask permission, forget about Lisa and never set foot in Seoul again, at least it was with that thought and motivation that I got on the plane that day.

"CHAEYOUNG!" I feel someone shake my shoulders and run my hand over my face.

"Sorry." I sigh and look at Jisoo who's looking at me like I'm crazy "Where were we?"

"There's something I need to tell you..." She bites her mouth, looking guilty and I frown.

"What the fuck did you do, Jichu? Whenever you have this expression, it's because you screwed up, it's been at least 3 days since you said you realized something big." Before she answers me, the doorbell rings "Has the food arrived yet?"

"No, I mean, it's been 20 minutes since I ordered." She looks at the door, looking as lost and confused as I'm, but obviously for different reasons.

"WAIT A MINUTE" I scream when the doorbell insists on ringing again, I get up irritated from the couch and open the door with force "Lisa" my voice drops a few tones when I see Lisa standing in front of me.

"We need to talk." She says and is already entering the apartment, leaving me completely paralyzed by shock. "WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING HERE?" her scream is so loud that a bad shiver runs through my body. "Do you two really date? Is this serious?"

"I remembered I have to feed Dalgomie, I'll call you later, Chaengie." I'm surprised to see Jisoo quickly passing by me, as if she was running away, as she always likes a mess.

"I don't understand anything," I rub my eyes and close the door, taking a deep breath, seeing Lisa totally tense and her back to me.

"Jennie and I are getting divorced." She turns to me, walking towards me, with a look so serious that I've seen it very few times in the past.

"What?" My voice comes out in a whisper. I've waited so long to hear this, I can't believe it's real. "Like? Why?" I rest my hand on my chest, feeling my heart beat so fast it feels like it's about to rip open my chest.

"She was cheating on me, with Jisoo." She looks away and I'm watching her. I really love her, but I can't be with her just because they're finally going to break up, especially for that reason.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I found myself saying and I know it sounded totally false. Lisa looks at me again with half-closed eyes, looking suspicious.

"What's up with you and Jisoo?"

"Jealousy, Lalisa?" I give her a smug smile.

"I didn't come to ask you to stay with me now that Jennie and I are breaking up." now I'm totally surprised to hear this.

"So what do you..." She doesn't let me finish talking by kissing me so passionately, making the whole world spin under my feet. I rest my hands on her face, deepening the kiss even more, until Lisa pushes me against the door, pressing her body against mine.

"I came to ask you for a chance." she says softly, sliding her fingertips across my cheeks and looking at me so fondly that my heart is nothing but pure liquid love "Start over, I want a new life with you and I know that I need to win you again, your trust and all, but I'm up for it, even if I have to die trying, Chaeyoung."

"Yeah." My smile must be almost tearing my face right now.

"Yes?" she looks so surprised, just as I feel, but the happiness is bigger than anything.

"Yes" I shrug "But if you've changed your mind... LALISA!" I slap her when she pulls me, pushing me on the couch next and climbing on top of me.

"Okay, we can talk later, now I just need to kill the longing I've been feeling for you for so long, my Rosé." She smiles wide before I pull her in for another kiss.

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