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Onika pov:

"I just don't know what to do" I said looking down.

"Onika if you want to get a abortion then it's your choice, but I do feel like whoever the father is should have some kind of say. I mean you are talking about killing their baby" alyssa said.

I sighed heavily sitting back. "Do you know who the father is ?" she asked.

"yes" I mumbled. "it's beyonce"

"Oh girl forget what I just said" she shook her head. "Do not abort that baby, seriously" she said looking me dead in my face.

"Why not ?" I asked. "onika.. beyonce is really crazy, like she's fucking insane" she said.

"Yea I know. I told her I wanted a abortion and she damn near killed me, then she kissed my nose and told me she hope the baby get my dimples" I said.

"Damn" alyssa laughed shaking her head. "I'm sorry girl it ain't funny but beyonce ass is really crazy" she said.

"Yes she fucking is. I didn't know she was that crazy" I said still kinda shocked.

"And I tried to warn yo ass" she shrugged. "Yea but I didn't like you at the time" I said.

"Ok, do she know you're pregnant ?" she asked and I nodded. "Oh well i'm sorry boo but you can't abort that baby. Now if you would've did it behind her back then you would have better luck but she knows so don't do it" she shook her head.

"Do you think she would really kill me ?" she asked .

"Yes" she nodded. "She has done it before onika do not put it past her" she said.

My eyes went wide "She killed a girl before ?" I asked.

"You ain't no snitch right ?" she raised a eyebrow. "No" I shook my head.

"Yes she did. A girl got mad a bey and aborted their baby, when beyonce found out the girl went missing" she said.

"And where is she now ??" I asked. "Missing" she shrugged.

I felt my heart drop hearing this. I got pregnant by a fucking maniac.

"But don't go judging her" she said. "You just have to try to see her side on everything. Beyonce has always loved babies and kids she say they make her happy, we lost our babies onika and now you're about to have one... Killing it would break her, and lets be honest you already did that once" 

I looked down at my fingers. My biggest regret is saying that stuff to beyonce that day.

I was just so pissed off about aaliyah and her fighting me over beyonce that I didn't want to see her. For a while..

"Why do you want to kill it ?" she asked. "Is it because you don't wanna get fat or something ?".

"no i don't care about that... I'm just not financially prepared for a baby" I said honestly. I work at Chick- Fil-A, and half the time i'm sent home.

I can't afford no baby.

"Girl" she waved me off. "Beyonce got money"

"Yea the money she stole but that won't last forever" I rolled my eyes. "Beyonce is a well known drug dealer.. she can make money like that" she snapped her fingers.

I sighed running my hands over my face. "Onika it's not that bad.. all you have to do is have it, if you don't want the responsibility give it to beyonce. She lives with nafessa now she can take care of it and i'm sure she'll accept that rather than you killing the baby"

"ok" I sighed then my phone went off making me look down at him.

My beybear 🥺🧸- Come on

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