Wyoming: *picks up some random woman's wallet* E-excuse me, ma'am. You drop-Woman: I have a boyfriend. Fuck off.
Wyoming: *slowly puts the wallet in his pocket* Ok.
D.C: Shouldn't you...?
Wyoming: No darlin- D.C.
Dallas: Ya know. Some people have a boyfriend, others may have a girlfriend or a non-binary lover. Ya know what I have?
San Antonio: No?
Dallas: Depression.
N.J: So we all gonna ignore the sexual tension between Luigi and Bowser? Ok.
Miami: What would you do if someone you didn't like was choking?
Houston: Smile :)
Maryland: I didn't start a war but I have crab. :)
Mass: That's great honey.
PA: Are you a cancer?
Mary: No why?
PA: You missed your chance to be the crab zodiac sign.
Mary: *proceeds to have a mental breakdown*
Geo: Why are you eating pizza crust at 3 in the morning...?
N.Y: Y-You don't?
N.J: *slowly eats another*
District: Dont worry I got this!
IDC: We're worried.
Gov & D.C: Very worried.
Geo: Let go of me...
Kentucky: *clinging onto him with his face barred in his chest* No~!
Geo: *Who just wanted to nap* Lord give me the strength-
Statehouse stuff again
FanfictionHai. im doing it again- I'd like to say this isn't to offend anyone. this is for me to be dumb as hell. :)