Chapter Three

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Ximena pov

I tried to read my mates minds and nothing. It's like they're blocking me. Maybe they're a shield. I saw that Edward looked confused. "Eddie, what's wrong?" I asked him. He looks at me. "I can't read Bella's mind. That never happened before." Edward told me. I nod. "I can't read Sirius, James and Remus' minds either." I told him.

He nods and we look at our mates. My mates looked at me. I smiled and winked at them. They were flustered. I saw them blush. I go back to talking to Jasper.

We talked about when we should practice fighting again. The bell rings. It's time for our 6th period. Jasper and I went to History.

-Skip to 9th period-

Jasper and I went to our Art class. Jasper and I went to the back of the class. Sirius, James and Remus came in. I felt Jasper grabbing my hand. I pulled his chair closer to me. The art teacher told my mates to sit with us. I sent calm waves to Jasper and handed him my phone.

-After School-

Edward texted me saying to meet him at the office. I handed Jasper my keys, so he could start my car. I walked to the front office and saw Edward. "Eddy, what's wrong?" I asked him. Edward looks at me. "Bella's blood. I want to drink it." Edward told me. I nodded. "Why don't you go to the Denali's for the week to control it again." I told him.

He nods. "Yeah, I should. Let's go." Edward said. We saw Bella at the door. We walked out of the office. We went to my car and got in the car. I started driving home following Rose. I stopped my car and turned it off. We go inside.

I walked into the living room, and I sat on the couch. I started my homework. Edward went to his room and packed a bag and got a week for Tanya's. Everyone I'd confused except me. I started reading Edward's thoughts.

'I'm leaving now, please explain everything to everyone.' Edward thought. I nod. 'Yeah, take as long as you need.' I thought, knowingly Edward heard me, and he left.

I was doing my history homework when suddenly I felt everyone's eyes on me. I stopped doing my homework and looked up. "Yes?" I asked them. "Where is Edward going, princess?" Dad asked me. "To Tanya's." I answered him.

"Why, Bubba?" Jasper asked me. "Because Bella's blood smelled really good to him, he wanted to suck her dry. Do I tell him to stay at Tanya's for the week to get his thirst control again." I told them. They looked at me shocked and confused.

I'm going back to doing my homework. "Shouldn't you be going with him since your mates are in some of your classes?" Emmett asked me. I shook my head no. "No, because I have dad's gift." I answered him. They nodded. "I still think Edward and your mates shouldn't be in our world. And you know the vampire laws. No humans are allowed to know about our world." Rose said.

I rolled my eyes. "Rose, I know what the vampire law is, but Edward and I waited for our mates forever. Edward waited almost 117 years for his mate, and I waited almost 90 years for mine. Edward stays in his room, in the trees or in the music room while I'm in my room practicing my magic, in the art studio, dance studio, music room, record studio or outside practicing fighting because all of this love is in the air. Making Edward and I said, unhappy and depressed because we don't have someone who makes us happy." I told her and slightly everyone else.

"Do you really want Edward and I unhappy forever and not have someone who makes us feel human again?" I asked her, looking in her eyes. Rose stays quiet. I shook my head. "Now, are you done? Can I go back to my schoolwork?" I asked her. Rose nods and leaves me alone.

After an hour I finished my homework. I put my backpack in my room and changed into my workout outfit.

 I put my backpack in my room and changed into my workout outfit

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I go downstairs to the dance studio with Jasper.


Jasper and Ximena dances^


Ximena's dance^

After we danced we go upstairs. I go to my room and took a shower. After my shower I got dressed.

I go downstairs to the kitchen

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I go downstairs to the kitchen. Mom hands me a plate of food. "Thanks Mama." I said to her. "Your welcome baby." Mum said to me. I eat my dinner and after I cleaned my plate. I go upstairs to my room. I go lay down. At 9pm I went to sleep. I wake up at 1 am. I got up and got changed.

I go on my phone for the rest of the night before the others have to go to school

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I go on my phone for the rest of the night before the others have to go to school.
Sorry that it took me so long to update. So tomorrow I started high school. So I won't update that usually do. I will try my best. Until next time.

Bye my luvs❤

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