Chapter Seven

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Ximena pov

They weren't happy that my mates are human. I told them about my mates. They said when my mates figure out my secret, they want to meet them in person to make sure they are good enough for their little princess.

And I know what you are thinking, 'how am I allowed to be famous and not to get in trouble and how are the vampire kings being almost alright with this'. Well, one Carlisle took me to meet his good old friends aka the vampire kings. I met them a week after I turned.

When I met them, Marcus found out that Aro, Caius, himself and I share an uncle and niece relationship. We all got to know each other. I met their guards. I told them about what my human life was like and even how I almost died if it wasn't for Dad.

They also allowed me to be a famous singer in the vampire world only. So, no humans know me. Humans know me as Ximena Hale. Rosalie Hale's biological twin sister. Jasper Hale's adopted triplet. Edward, Alice and Emmett Cullen's adopted sister. And Carlisle and Esme Cullen's adopted daughter.

But, in the vampire world I'm known as Ximena Hale-Volturi. The vampire king's niece, Carlisle Cullen's daughter, the vampire princess and a famous singer. I have 4 guards in Forks. My uncles wanted me to be protected 24/7. Sometimes the guards go back to Italy to report back to my uncles, every week.

-The Next Morning-
-Week before Bella found out about us-

                 -The Next Morning--Week before Bella found out about us-

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Jasper and I are in my car. I'm driving us to school. When we get to school. We stood with our siblings. I saw James, Sirius and Remus singling me to follow them in5the woods. I started following them, Rose tried to stop me but Alice stopped her. I followed them deep into the woods. They stopping walking and started breathing heavily. I stopped 5 feet behind them. "You're impossibly fast and strong." Sirius said.

"Your skin is pale brown and ice cold." Remus said. "Your eyes change color." James said. I walked closer to them while they were talking. "And sometimes you talk like you're from a different time." Remus said. I'm now standing 5 inches behind them.

"You barely eat or drink anything, while your siblings never eat or drink anything." James said. "You don't go into the sunlight." Sirius said. I stepped a little closer to them. "How old are you?" Remus asked me. "Eighteen." I answered by looking at them. "How long have you been eighteen?" James asked me.

"A while." I told them. They start breathing heavily. I was silent for a while. "We know what you are." Sirius said. "Say it. Out loud. Say it." I told them. "Vampire." They said together. "Are you afraid?" I asked them. They turned around facing me. "No." They spoke. I looked at them in the eye.

"Then ask me the most basic question. What do we eat?" I told them. "You won't hurt us." Sirius told me. I grabbed their hands and dragged them farther into the woods. "Where are we going?" Remus asked. "Up the mountain." I told him. I dragged them up the mountain.

"Out of the cloud bank. You need to see what I look like in the sunlight." I told them. I put Remus on my back and grabbed James and Sirius' waist. I vamp speed us up to the mountains. When we got there. I placed them down. I walked farther up a little up to the sun.

"This is why we don't show ourselves in the sunlight. People would know we're different." I told them to walk into the sunlight. I turned around facing them. I started to sparkle. I looked at them. "This is what I am." I told them.

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