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Ximena Pov

Ximena Pov

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Dad and I finally get to my mates, and he handed me over to them

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Dad and I finally get to my mates, and he handed me over to them. "Take care of my babygirl." Dad told them. "We will Carlisle." James told dad. Dad nods and kisses my cheek and does over to mom. Me and my mates stands in front of Caius, I asked him to do the ceremony, as everyone else sits down. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Colson Baker, James Swan, Sirius Swan, Remus Swan and Ximena Hale." Caius said and he turns to the boys. "Please repeat after me. I, Remus Swan, James Swan, Sirius Swan." Caius told the boys.

"I, Remus Swan, James Swan, Sirius Swan." My mates spoke. "Take you, Ximena Hale." Caius told my mates. "Take you, Ximena Hale." My mates said. "To have and to hold." Caius said. "To have and to hold." My mates said looking at me as I'm looking at them. "For better or for worse." I spoke. "For richer, for poor." My mates said. "In sickness and in health." I said smiling at my mates. "To love." They said. "To cherish. As long as we both shall live" I said. "I do." They said smiling as Sirius puts the ring on my ringer. "I do." I said putting their wedding rings on their ringers. "You may kiss the bride." Caius told them.

The boys take turns kissing me as if we are in our own little world. Everyone claps as some are in tears, the humans, as we pull away. The boys and I walk down the aisle and everyone hangs out in the house as my family sets the reception ready for tonight.

-later tonight-

Everyone is outside for the reception as I'm upstairs in my room with Alice and Rosa getting changed to a more comfortable outfit.

Everyone is outside for the reception as I'm upstairs in my room with Alice and Rosa getting changed to a more comfortable outfit

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^imagine it in White^

                                                                ^imagine it in White^

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We go outside and we go to our mates. Seth, Billy, Charlie, Rebekah and Sue come up to me and the boys. "Hey, guys. Nice to see you. I'm happy for you guys" Seth told us as he hugs me. "Thank you, luv." I said as I kiss his head. Sue glares at me. "I hope you will be happy, Sirius." Billy said, looking at Sirius. "Thank you, Billy. Have you heard from him?" Sirius asks him. "I'm sure Jake wishes you the best." Billy told him as I kissed Sirius' head. "Well, I plan on getting Drunk." Charlie spoke as we all laugh. "They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne. Rebekah, can I get you a glass?" Charlie asks her as I smirk at them.

Billy runs over Charlie's foot. "Sparkling Fire water." Billy told Charlie. Billy is overprotective of the Mikaelsons since they helped their tribe. They all went to get a drink as the Denali coven walks over to you. "Sirius, Remus, James." Camren says as he kisses their cheeks.

"Congratulations, Mena." Eleazar said hugging me. "Thank you, Ele." I told hugging him back. "Eleazar and Carmen, right?" James asked them as Kate, Tanya and Irena. Carmen nods. "Hola." Eleazar says to my mates. "James, Remus, Sirius. These are our cousins from Alaska. Camren, Eleazar, Tanya, Kate and Irina Denali." I said introduce them.

"We heard so much about you." Kate told them. "Welcome to the family." Ele says. "Bienvenida." Camren says. "Thank you." The boys says. I noticed Irina glaring at Billy and Seth. "Irina." Camren calls out and we all look at Irina. "Come meet the boys." Camren told her. Irena walks over to us. "I can't do this." Irena said, still looking at Seth. "You promised." Tanya told her. Irena looks at Seth some more glaring. "They invited one." Irena said. "Yes I invited Seth because he's the godfather of my kids. If you have a problem with it then leave. I was really happy when you weren't here being a bitch to my husbands. So, shut the fuck up and walk away before I kill your ass and I'm not afriad to especially when the kings are right beind us." I told her as I'm glaring at her. Irena looks at me in fear as she walks away. "It's nice meeting you boys." Camren says as the clan walks away.

"You didn't have to do that." James tells me. "Well, what's a wedding without some family drama?" I told them, smirking. "Yeah." Sirius said as they smiled at me. I pull them to our table with Mom and dad at one side od the table and the boys mom and dads at the other side. Remus pulls out my chair for me. "Thank you my love." I told him as he kisses my head. "Your welcome, princess." He told me as he sits next to Sirius as I'm sitting between James and Mom. "Excuse me. Is this on? Hello?" Emmet askd. As everyone are in their seats.

I playfully rolls my eyes. "Yes its on you goofball!" I yelled at him. Emmet gave me a big goofy grin. "Love you too bub. Anyways to those that don't know me. I'm Ximena's younger adopted brother. I'd like to propose a toast to my new brothers. I hope you are ready for hours of walking in the mall with us boys especially because of how much the girls like to shop and I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last 18 years.. We know you won't be having any after a while" Emmet told my mates chuckling. All us vampires and my mates awkwardly laughs while charlie just drinks his second glass of champane as Emmet gets off the stage.

Jessica gets on the stage. "Well, The boys was just like everyone else. Wanting to know what Ximena was like. Ximena was different from her siblings. Ximena was funny, protective of those she loved and friendly to everyone. When Ximena and her family first moved here, she first was quite like she siblings but after a month or so, she was friends with everyone. I remember once I need someone, Ximena was there. SHe told me that I should stop letting boys get to and and start being the women I needed to be. So I followed he advice and I have a business that she helped me build. If it wasn't for Ximena I would be like those Pick me girls.. So thank you Ximena for showing everyone who you showed kindness to." Jessica said before getting off the stage.

CHarlie gets on stage with Carlise. "We know the boys will be great husbands." Dad said. "We know this because I am a cop and knows how to hunt people down." Charlie says as my mates looks at him offended. "And I am a doctor." Dad said asd I shake my head while mom laughs at my reaction.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm so sorry It took me this long to update this

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