Chapter Nineteen

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Ximena pov

And knowing that everyone is out of the house, so me and my mates can have a day before my family, and I have to leave later. After packing half of my room. I went into my bathroom and started to take a shower.

 I went into my bathroom and started to take a shower

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^Outfit Ximena changed into after her shower^

I walked out of my bathroom to see that Sirius, Remus and James has woken up. "Hey." I said to them sadly. They looked confused of why I'm packing my things. I started to finishing packing. "W-why are you packing?" Remus asked me. I sighed and turned around looking at them sadly. "We have to leave Forks." I told them sadly.

I looked at them. "Why?" James asked me confused. "Carlisle is supposed to be 10 years older than he looks. And people are starting to noticed." I said lying to them. "Are we going with you?" Sirius asked me. I shook my head. "No, but." I started as I walked up to them. "We will call, text and facetime whenever you need to talk to me." I told them as I hold their hands. "When are you leaving?" Remus asked me. "Tonight." I answered him.

They started crying. I sat on my bed pulling James on my lap, Sirius cuddles into my right side and Remus cuddles into my left side. "I love you guys. More than anything. I will be back before you know it. I want you guys to have fun. Hangout with your friends while I'm gone." I told them. They nodded. "We love you." They said to me. I smiled and Kissed them. We hanged out for the rest of the day, before I took them home.

-Later that day-

I'm driving them home. When we got there, we got out of James' car. They started crying again. I pulled them into a hug. "My love. This isn't a goodbye. See you later, alright?" I asked them. They nodded. I kissed them one more time. "I love you guys." I told them before running home to leave Forks. I heard them say, "We love you too, Ximena Hale."

I smiled knowing that I'll be back soon. When I got home, I put my things in my car along with Jasper's things. I suddenly started to cry. Jasper pulls me into a hug to try to calm me down. After I finally calmed down, we left Forks for our cousin's house. The Denali's, who are all the way in Denali. Which is 44 hours away from Forks.

-44 hours later-

We finally gotten to our cousins house. The Denali coven are vegetarian vampires like us. In the coven is Tanya, Kate, Irina, Camren and Eleazar. Tanya, Kate and Irina are sisters like Rosa and I. Camren and Eleazar are mates. Tanya is the leader of the coven like how dad is the coven leader for us. When we gotten there, we got all settled in and all of that. I went to bed right after.

 I went to bed right after

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-A Week Later-

I sent Sirius and Remus their birthday present 2 days ago knowing they will get it today. I gotten a call and it was them. They told me how they love their presents and everything. After the call, Edward and I gotten our things and left a note on the fridge saying that we need to be left alone. Edward and I decided to travel the world for a while.

- 2 months later-

Remus, James and Sirius call me 3 times a day. I'm glad they are having fun back home. Edward and I slept together sometimes when we needed a distraction. Right now, we are in Cleveland, Ohio. I've been telling Edward how I've been getting this pull here. While Edward went hunting. I went shopping.


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