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Ximena Pov

I went up on the stage after dad and charlie to give a speech. "I want to start off by saying thank you all for coming to mine and my husband's wedding on this fine day." I said as I looked at everyone. "For the past few years my brother and I we're the only ones to be single in our family.. Up until we found the ones we love and want to be with forever." I started to say as I looked at Edward, who smiled at me.

"And now that we found them we finally figured it out and see what it's like to be with the love of our lives like our siblings and parents are like. I always looked up to my parents wanting their kind of relationship. They always told me that they were like best friends while being husband and wife. Mom once told me that she sees dad as her soulmate. I asked her what a soul mate is and she told me it's like a best friend but more.. I never understood until I met my soulmates." I said as I look at James, Remus and Sirius.

"James, Remus, Sirius, you guys made me realize what my mom was saying all those years ago.. You three are my soulmates and I think I realized it the second I saw you guys at lunch on your first day of school. So, there would be no measure of time with you that will be long enough. So let's start with forever." I told them as I finished my speech. I raised my glass along with everyone else before I walked off the stage. I kissed my husbands before my family and I walk onto the dance floor to do a few dances for everyone.

^Jasper and Ximena Danced^

^Emmett and Ximena danced^

^Carlisle and Ximena danced^

^Alice and Ximena^

^Rose and Ximena^

^Esme and Ximena^

^Ximena and her bridesmaids^

Dad walks on the stage. "Now it's time for the bride and grooms to have their first dance." Dad told everyone. Sirius, Remus and James walks onto the dance floor over to me. I danced with all three of them giving them equal time while mom and dad sings..

^Remus and Ximena^

^James and Ximena^

^Sirius and Ximena^

After Sirius and I stopped dancing, Rose, Kate, Alice and Rebekah dragged me inside the house to my bedroom and get me ready to leave for my honeymoon. Riley, who is holding Appollo and Bree, who is holding Bethh, walks into my bedroom after I've gotten dressed.

 Riley, who is holding Appollo and Bree, who is holding Bethh, walks into my bedroom after I've gotten dressed

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I smiled at them as I kissed their heads

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I smiled at them as I kissed their heads. "Be good while I'm gone. Listen to your dads. I'll be back before you know it." I told them. They nodded as they hugged me. "I love you, hijas & hijos." I said. "I love you too, mama." All four of them said. Riley and Bree take Apollo and Beth to bed as I go downstairs.

I see that Sirius is upset. I walk over to him. "What's wrong, my love?" I asked him as I kiss his cheek. Sirius looks at me. "Jacob was here but he wanted me to run away with him." Sirius told me. I smile softly at him. "Hey, don't be upset. He just want you and your brothers to have a normal human life." I told him truthly. Sirius nodded. "But he needs to understand that I don't want to live a human life anymore. I known that I was different while growing up and now that I want something that could answer who I really am, then he has to deal with it." He told me. I nodded as I kiss him.

Sirius kisses me back. As I pull away I hear everyone in front of the house. "Come on. We have to go." I told him as I hold his hand. We walk into the house and the boys went into my room to change. I walk outside where my uncles are.

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