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Tyler's POV

~ Flashback ~


I feel empty and I feel like theres nothing here for me now. I've unintentionally caused so much trouble and I don't think Daniel deserves this after everything he's been going through but it's all too much for me now.

I take a few pain killers and I'm sitting on top of a mountain cliff that overlooks the ocean, I look down at the waves crashing against the rocks, I feel like I deserve a miserable death. I was so horrible to Taylor before she died and like she didn't deserve that, I was so caught up about myself and I never considered her feelings at all. I know she died thinking I was a bitch and it hurts me, I feel sick and I hate myself every time I think about it and I think about it all the fucking time.

I stumble up and I'm standing at the edge of the cliff, I take a few breathes and I'm like working myself up to jump and I'm just about to do it when Niko runs and tackles me from the side and we go scrapping against the ground.

"Ah fuck ouch" I wince

"Hurts a lot less from falling against those rocks" He says pointing down below

"Why did you do that" I cried

"I saved your life" He yelled "What the fuck were you thinking?"

"I knew exactly what I was doing" I yelled back at him

"I hope your fucking joking Tyler!" He yelled

"Please just leave me alone" I say

"Never" He says

"You don't know me so leave me alone" I yelled with tears streaming down my face

"No" He screamed back

"Niko please" I cried

"I will not fucking leave you" He said as he came closer and wrapped his arms around me

"No get off" I yelled

"No Tyler I said it before and I'll say it again, I am NOT going to fucking leave you" He yelled back and held me tighter

"I can't keep feeling like this" I cried

"Talk to me, I know you were just telling me things you'd tell a friend the other night, tell me the truth and I will listen and I will not leave you" He says

"I would scare you off if I told you, I bring drama wherever I go and my life is fucked" I cry

"There is nothing you could say to me that would scare me off Tyler, my life is a lot more fucked then what you think" He says

"I don't believe you" I say

"Tyler my family are drug dealers and I work for my parents selling to teens for a quick buck ok, there is nothing that you could tell me that would make me leave you well unless you were about to tell me the Dans a cop, that would fucking scare me" He says, I laugh "I was hoping to make you laugh"

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