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Tyler's POV

Leah and I stumbled down the stairs and out to the backyard where everyone was, theres music playing and the food smelt so good but that could also contribute to the weed smoking. I grabbed a plate of food and then made my way back to the sun lounger where I was earlier, I'm not sure why Niko decided to stay when he doesn't want anything to do with me, it's just annoying see his face now.

"Mind if I join?" Sam asked pointing to the other half of the sun lounger

"Go for it" I replied

"You ok?" He asked

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I ask

"You don't look ok" He says

"Sam that's not your problem anymore" I reply

"I still care" He sighed

"Well you shouldn't" I smiled back

"Squeezing in" Leah says while squishing in between us

"Ugh Leah you've taken up every bit of space" Sam sighed

"I'm sure you can find another seat" She says

"Leah" I sighed

"What?" She laughed "He's complaining about there not being enough space"

"I'll just move" I smiled and got up and walked back over to the table of food

"Hungry?" Dan asked

"Nope, you?" I replied

"Not really" He says

"So did you invite Niko to stay for food?" I asked

"Yeah he's a good kid and I know he's in trouble right now but I can tell that he hasn't been eating and he just needs a hand" He says

"That's nice of you" I reply

"Are you guys not good?" He asked

"Guess not" I sigh

"Why?" He asked

"I don't want to talk about it" I say

"You never want to talk about anything" He scoffed

"Learnt from the best I guess you could say" I reply

"Shut up" He scoffed again

"Lay off the booze" I reply before heading out

"Hey" He yelled and pulled me back

"Ow what the fuck" I winced

"You aren't going anywhere" He yelled louder

Zach walked over and grabbed Dans arm only for him to push Zach away and he grips my arm tighter.

"Dan what are you doing" Zach says

"Everyone needs to go home" Daniel called out but everyone just stood still

"Dan let go of her" Zach asks

"You need to leave" Dan replies

"Not until you let go of her Dan. You are hurting her" Zach yelled

"I don't care" He yelled

"Dan for fucks sake let go of her!" Zach yelled

"What the hell is going on?!" An older lady yelled from the door

"Mom" Dan sighs a relief and I rip my arm from his grasp

"Grandma" Zach says

"What?" I ask

"How about you all come inside" She asked with both boys following her in "You too missy" She adds

I slowly walked to the door of the house where Jake is standing waiting for me

"Want me to come with?" He asked

"I'm sure I'll be ok" I smiled

He hugged me and kissed my forehead and I walked in and both boys were sitting on the couch waiting for me looking like they were in trouble, I walked past Dan and slummed in beside Zach and he holds my hand.

"What was going on out there" She asked

"Nothing Mom I didn't even know you were coming" Dan replied

"Well when you haven't been answering my calls and barely replying to my texts, no one tells me anything thats going on so if we have to make a trip then that's what we will do" She says

"We? Grandpas here too?" Zach asked

"Yes he is" She says

"You are going to love him Tyler he is so funny and he like always has candy in his pockets and these funny but stupid magic tricks" Zach says, I smiled

"Can we talk in the kitchen?" She asked Dan before they walked off

"Are you ok?" Zach asked

"Yeah" I faked smiled "My life just continues to crumble around me and theres nothing I can do about it"

"Tyler I'm here, we all are" He says

"Your grandmother didn't even introduce herself, I see where the loyalties lay and it's certainly not going to be with me" I reply "I'm ganna go to bed just in case anyone asks"

"Tyler just stay I think that you need to talk to them" He says

"I'm good, I don't need to talk to anyone especially when it's become so easy for everyone to treat me like they do" I reply "I'm tired of it"

"I know you are but not talking to anyone doesn't help" He says

"I do talk to people Zach I talk about these things all the time I just don't want to talk about them with you because you are the one person who I don't need to be putting it all onto" I say

"Who do you talk to then if you can't talk to me?" He asks

"Jake and Leah and used to be Niko but not anymore" I reply

"So how come you don't talk to me" He asks

"Because you are the fun in my life Zach, you make me laugh and you have the happy energy around you that I need, if I start to talk to you about it then the happy shit goes away and I'm left with nothing" I say

"Ok" He smiled "I'll let them know where you are"

"Thanks" I smiled

I walked upstairs, drew my curtains and climbed into my bed, my head hits the pillow and I pull up my covers until they cover my head. I just want to be left alone, I haven't felt this down in such a long time and I just feel like nothing is going to get better.

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