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Sam's POV

Finally I get to spend some time with Tyler and hopefully end up a little closer then just friends. I miss her so much and it's been so annoying not being about to talk to her like we used to. Jake and Tyler have come to pick us up and I think today is going to be so good. Zach and I walked out to the car and Tyler had jumped into the back seat which gave me prime spot to sit and talk with her.

"Hey" I smiled as I jumped in the back

"Hey" They both replied

"I hope there are good waves out there today" Zach says

"Are you going to surf?" Tyler asked

"Na I just brought my surf board for no reason" Zach joked

"Oh ha ha what I was saying was I didn't know you surfed" She says

"I figured" He laughed

"We can teach you" Jake yells out

Fuck off no I want to hang with her alone

"Yes! That will be so fun" She yells back then asks me "Do you know how to surf?"

"Uh no not really" I reply

"Oh how come?" She asked

"Not really into deep water that could swallow me or like be eaten by sharks" I smiled

She laughed. I think she thinks I'm joking which is sad because I'm really not.

"Your funny" She smiled

"I'm serious" I smiled

"Woah so do you know how to swim?" She asked

"I could probably swim to save my life but I'm not massively keen on worrying about staying on a board and trying not to drown" I reply

"Maybe you should learn with me" She smiled

"I don't think so" I smiled

"Oh come on it'll be fun, we can look stupid together" She says

"No" I snapped

"Fuck ok" She sighed

"Hey I'm sorry for snapping just a touchy subject clearly" I say

"Ok" She says but she's only looking out the window and not at me

"Yay finally here" Jake sighed of relief

"Yeah thank god" Tyler sighed before practically storming off to the beach

Jake and Zach took Tyler down to rent a surf board for her to learn on and I just sat with Leah who was sunbathing.

"Do you think I have a shot?" I ask

"Can we not please" She sighed

"Come on your her best friend she tells you things what do you think" I asked

"I think you need to not be at her all the time, stop asking her about you guys and what's going on with her personal shit and you'll be off to a better start" She says

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