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Tyler's POV

Thursday Morning

"You ready?" Sam asked

"Yup" I sighed

"Come on today is going to be a good day" He says

"It sure will be" I smiled

"We good?" He asked

"Of course" I smiled "Let's go"

We jumped into the car and Sam drove us to school, along the way I'm texting and barely talking.

Me: All good with the plan?

Jake: Ready when you are :))

Me:Good, let's make this bitch pay

Jake: We've got everything sorted just text when you pull up and we will get everything ready, does he know?

Me: Not a clue but I doubt he'd care..why would he?

Jake: You hope

Me: If he cares then that makes everything a hell of a lot clearer...Parking now

Sam and I walked though the gates hands interwind and smiles on our faces, I tell Sam I need to go to the bathroom but I'll meet him at the table with the others. Instead I wait around the corner and wait for my queue. I peak around and I see Jakes brought Jade right to Sam. Thats my queue. I walk over and I can hear them start to talk, Sam's sitting there confused and I can see Jade looks excited that he's finally talking to her, she thinks that he wants her to go out with him but instead I barge through the group sit onto Sam's lap and kiss him and it's not just a peck either...It's a full on hot makeout, I can hear the group 'ooh's and ahh's' and I stop and look at her.

"It's offical now so you can back the fuck off and stop looking like a desperate little bitch, you are disgusting and pathetic for editing a video like that as if he would magically want you, desperate is sad not hot" I say

She goes to walk away and I pull her back

"Sabotage is embarrassing hunny and I'm the worst person to try it on" I said with a smile "Run along"

"Did she really deserve that?" Tate asked

"Yes" Leah and I both replied

"What did she do that was so horrible to you?"Abby asked

"Where do I start?" I laughed "1. She told me she hoped I ended up like Taylor, 2. She sabotaged me multiple times with Sam making me feel like the littlest worthless piece of shit and 3.Girl code"

"If you think about it she was there before you" Abby says, I turn to Sam

"No she wasn't, she never was" Sam says

"Yes she was we all saw" Tate says

"She was an easy fuck" Sam smiled "A mans gotta eat"

"Gross" I laughed

"Didn't say it was good" He smirked

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