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Tyler's POV

I walked into the house and it's pretty quiet except for the banging of pots in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and Dan seems to be angry cooking. I sit in the booth and it's still quiet, I don't want to start the conversation.

"Here make yourself useful and chop these" Dan said as he brought over a chopping board full of veggies and a knife

"Sure" I sigh

"Do we wanna talk about it" He asked

"Are you going to send me away?" I asked

"No of course not" He says

"Then you can't say it in anger" I say

"I know Ty, I'm sorry" He says

"I don't want to be fighting with you, I just want to be happy" I say

"I know I want us to be as well" He says

"I went to the jailhouse because he wanted to know whether I would be telling the truth or not, I told him what I believed to be the truth and he was happy because he'd get it off and I wouldn't have to see him again" I say

"Did he tell you that" He asked

"I believe him Dan, he never hurt me or even looked at me funny way, I have poor judgement in guys I know that but I do believe this guy" I say

"What do you mean poor judgment in guys?" He asked

"Sams a cheat, Jake did the same and well Niko he's just left me in the dark to protect family so it's pretty bad" I reply

"Jake?" He asked

"We had an argument and he apparently came back with lipgloss on his neck and smelling of girls perfume so that's done too" I sigh

"No offence but I don't think he'd do that on purpose Ty, he loves you. I've never seen anyone so in love before" He says

"I'm gonna go for a shower" I say

"Don't run for love Ty" He says

"Girls perfume I could let away with but lipgloss on his neck that's bull" I say before walking out

I walked upstairs and Nikos laying on my bed waiting for me

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I needed to talk to you Ty" He says

"What about" I asked

"You can't tell the truth on the stand" He says

"Why?" I asked

"Because he's going to come for me and my family" He says

"But he told me if I told the truth I will never see him again, I can't deal with more shit Nik I'm sorry" I say

"Ty please" He begged

"Niko I can't lie especially in court" I say

"Fuck" He sighed "Nice knowing you then"

"Please don't be like this, I need to look out for myself and Dan" I say

"Fair but I can't say I'm not gutted" He says

"Sorry" I said with a soft smile

"Where's your lapdog anyway" He smiled

"Don't have one" I sigh

"Oh what happened?" He asked

"I don't want to talk about it ok" I say

"Are you ok?" He asked

'I'm just gonna go have a shower" I smiled

"Ty hang on" He says and grabs my hand

"No Nik I'm fine" I say but he hugs me

"I know you're not" He says without letting me go

"Please let go" I say

"Why?" He asked

"Because I don't need you making me feel good right now ok" I say

"What's bad about that?" He asked as he looked into my eyes and stroked my cheek

"Everything ok I just want my life to be free from drama" I say

"Am I not-" He starts

"Please stop, I just want space from boys ok I'm done" I say

"I'm here for you ok" He says

"Thanks" I smiled

"Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked

"Can you just stay here until I'm out of the shower please, I'm not quite past the stage of wanting to be left alone " I ask

"Ok" He smiled

Niko and I have spent the afternoon in my room just talking and hanging out like the way we were when we first met. It's been so nice to just relax after a stressful day. Dan and I had dinner and then I finished off an essay before heading off to bed. Going to school tomorrow is going to be hard considering that I am now single again and if I see Jade and she comes anywhere near me I'm happy to know her out.

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