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Tyler's POV

After my shower I've just been sitting in bed doing my assessments, I have friends playing in the background and I need a relaxed night. Dan has been checkin up on my every 20 minutes and the police officer will be with me from tomorrow onwards. I can see they are all really worried and I feel bad but I am trying so hard to please everyone but I'm so fucked up.

"Hey I've brought you some ice cream" Dan smiled while holding 2 bowls

"What a treat" I laughed "I didn't know we had ice cream"

"Well Dad has a massive sweet tooth so that's where he was today" He laughed "Buying a massive pint of ice cream"

"Funny" I smiled

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah I'm just annoyed at myself" I say

"I know but it's not your fault" He says

"I'm stubborn and I want to be independent but I'm struggling" I admit

"What can we do to help?" He asked

"I think I need to go back to seeing Dr Simon" I say

"I can sort that out easy enough" He says

"I'm struggling in the sense of mentally like I wished they would've just killed me so I didn't have to deal with the aftermath of everything" I admit

"Don't say that Ty" He says

"It's true for me though, imagine finding out the guy your with has been into someone else all along then you get taken and tortured for two weeks like you wouldn't want a bar of it and that's how I'm feeling" I say

"I can't say I get it but I'm trying to understand it from your point of view" He says

"I know you can't understand it but I'm just finding it so hard" I reply

"I will call Mr Simon tomorrow and we will start to work on this ok, I don't want you to be feeling like this" He says

"Ok" I smiled

"We will get through this" He smiled

"Yes we will" I said as we cheers our spoons

"Knock knock" Jake says while holding a box of chocolates

"I'll leave you guys to it" Dan smiled

"I'm so so sorry, I got detention and they took my phone and I'm just really sorry" Jake says

"It's ok I knew something must've happened" I reply

"But I talked to your Grandad and he told me what happened and I feel really bad" He says

"No don't it's fine, I know it wasn't your fault" I smiled

"No but it was Jade and Sams" He sighed

"How? What happened?" I asked

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