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Tyler's POV

Tuesday 7:30AM

Last night after Jake and I talked Zach came over and we made up too, I don't need to be fighting with the people I'm closet to. I'm not looking forward to going to school after how Jade treated me yesterday and everyone knows that I will literally fight a bitch if anyone talks about my family. I am going to have my boys by my side as I walk in and I have my girls in class so I'm grateful for those guys and hopefully today will be a lot better than yesterday.

I'm laying on top of my bed all ready for school and I feel like I could fall back asleep just waiting for everyone else to be ready. My eyes slowly start to close and theres a knock at my door.

"I'm sleeping" I sighed

"Oh come on, It's my first day and you should be just as excited as I am" Niko says

"I am excited" I smiled

"Don't I just look like a stuck up rich kid" He laughs

"A super hot stuck up rich kid" I laughed

"Thanks" He smiled

"So do you know what classes you are taking?" I ask

"I know I have English, Chem, Accounting, Wood shop and a couple others I can't remember" He says

"They sound fun" I reply

"So what time does school start and finish at Grovewood?" He asked

"Start at 9 finish at 3:30" I reply

"Oh cool so we can still work after school, my old one we started at 8 and finished at 4 and then if you had to work you'd be finished late and it was shit" He says

"Oh yeah what was your last job?" I asked with a smirk

"Shut up" He laughed

"Hey guys" Jake says joining us on the bed

"Good morning" I smiled

"So are we super excited about going to school?" He asks

"Oh my god I just literally cannot wait" I say sarcastically

"You will be fine" Jakes laughs

"Sure as long as Jade stays really fucking far away from" I reply

"I'm sure we will all keep you away from her" He replies

"You guys all ready?" Daniel asks

"Yup" I smiled

At School

We walked through the gates, Jakes holding my hand and Niko is close beside me, we walked over to the girls and Tom and I sat in right beside Tom like I used to.

"Hey" Everyone says

"Hey" I smiled

"Welcome to Grovewood Niko" Tate says

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