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Sam's POV

After Lunch

Great now Tyler is never going to get back with me because her friends are going go crazy if I even get close to her. I never even meant to hurt her like I did, she made me so angry that day that I didn't even know what I was doing. And who the fuck is this new kid coming into school threatening to fight me if I go near her, I was there long before he was.

I walked away from the table leaving everyone else but Zach follows because he is the only one thats always there for me.

"Look I know for certain that Tyler still has a thing for you" Zach says

"That's useless when Niko is there and she likes him a lot more then she liked me" I reply

"Sam she loved you and she hasn't said anything about loving him" He says

"Would she tell you or is that something she would tell Jake" I ask

"She tells me things" He answered getting defensive

"Yeah but you and I both know that Jake is her best friend" I say

"Cool you don't have to keep saying it" He replied

"Dude what is wrong with you?" I asked

"I looked out for you, I defended you and you punched her in the fucking face! You never told me that Sam" He yelled

"I didn't want to tell anyone Zach, I'm not fucking proud of it" I reply

"Why would you do it she literally just lost her sister and you punched her in the fucking face" He says

"I know Zach! I just lost it" I sighed

"You did what your dad would've done and I hate that for you" He says

"Don't compare me to him Zach seriously man come on" I say

"No you come on I don't care if you fight any mother fucker you see but not a girl and never her, you can't fucking touch her again dude or our friendship is done" Zach says

"Are you serious? Taking her over me we've been friends since kindergarten and you are going to break that over a girl" I ask

"She is my family and I think you forget that" He yelled "Don't touch her Sam I'm not fucking with you"

"Whatever you won't do anything about it not to me" I say

"You are becoming the biggest douchebag ok and the shit you say is starting to piss everyone off. You can't be talking to her like that because not only are you hurting her but you are turning everyone against you. Just think before you speak" Zach says

"Yeah ok" I sigh

"Any ideas where she went since you know her so well" He asked

"No idea" I reply

"I'm ganna go find her" He says before running off

"Hey you" Jade says

"I really don't need this right now" I reply

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