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Tyler's POV


"Tyler can you open your eyes for me" The doctor said while flashing her torch in my eyes

"Yeah" I moan

"How are you feeling?" She asked

"Good, I want to go home" I say

"You're being discharged this afternoon as long as your scans come back ok" She says

"Ok" I sigh

"Tyler hello I'm Sergeant Micheals and we just have a few questions for you if that's ok" The cop says

"Sure" I reply

"Ok let's start at the very start" He started

The question and answers went on for about an hour our two and by the time they were done so were my discharge papers. Dan drove me home and he was telling me that since I've been away he has brought this super high tech security system and cameras for outside of the house. Once we got home I just crawled into bed, I just want to sleep and pretend it was all a dream.

"Ty are you up for visitors?" Dan asked

"Who is it?" I asked

"Jake, Zach and Liam" He replies

"Yeah anyone except for Sam ok" I say

"Ok Ty" Dan says with a very confused looking face

"But hey I'll come downstairs" I yell out

I hobbled downstairs and they were all waiting in the living room for me as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs Jake ran over and picked me up and hugged me so tight.

"Can't breathe" I laugh

"Stop it, let me just hug you" He replied

"I missed you" I smiled

"I missed you so much more Ty, I was at the police everyday about finding you, I wasn't going to stop until you were home" He says

"Can we get in on that?" Zach asks with Liam beside him

I held out my arm and Zach almost just collapsed in our arms. I only now realised how important I am to them.

"Are you guys hungry?" Dan asked

"I could eat" Zach says

"You can always eat" Liam laughed, I smiled

"How about I order a pizza?" Dan suggests

"Sounds good" Jake smiled

"Ty?" Dan asked

"Sure" I smiled

"Do we wanna hang out upstairs?" Zach suggests

"Sure" I smiled

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