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Tyler's POV

2 days later

Court Hearing

I sat there with Dan, we held hands and we were ready to put our case forward. Across the room was Livy and her lawyer, Grandad wasn't with her, he was behind us with the rest of my friends.

"Ok lets get this case started" The judge started "Miss Mayley could you please come to the stand" I nodded and walked up. "I understand it must be nerve racking up here today in front of everyone but all we are trying to ensure today is that you end up with the person who will give you the best care"

"Sure" I replied

He asked me a whole heap of questions before he got into the topic of Dan and his Mum.

"So how about you tell me about your grandparents"

"My grandad has literally been the light that was missing in my life, he makes me feel like a sane person and is crazy when he was telling me about this nickname he called me when I was a baby like it's been so good to reconnect with him. He has my back and I really appreciate him"

"And your Grandmother?" The judge asked

"No comment" I reply

"Tyler for this to work you need to be honest and tell me what you really think" He says

"When I first met her she ignored me and didn't introduce herself. Then we had a 'family dinner' which she just ran Dan down at every chance she got which is annoying because after everything we've been through he didn't deserve it. I've struggled with her and theres only been one time where she has been on my side and that was when I was chased home by a media van and had a panic attack but other then that she's been pretty miserable towards us both"

"So how would you describe your Dad" He starts "Tell me everything, I want to hear the good and the bad and theres no need to sugar coat it"

I laughed "He is the most painful person to deal with in the mornings, he will never ever let me sleep in not even for an extra 5 because it would be wasting daylight and that is just wasting life apparently, he fills me up on the best smoothies that are full of this green shit but they taste good because of all the fruit. If I am ever upset or struggling he doesn't hesitate to take time off work to help me out and he's sorted me out with Dr Simons who is really good to me also. Dan has always been a dad to me even when I didn't know he was my dad to begin with and I genuinely don't think I could handle being ripped away from him"

"So you are incredibly happy and do not want to be separated by Dan" The judge asked

"Correct Sir, if I was separated I would do everything in my power to make it back to him but It's not even just him though, I have family here like my cousin is my best friend and I have friends" I laughed "I have a huge support system and my friends are my family and I need them just as much as I need a Dad"

"I have talked to your doctor and he believes that removing you from your support system and Daniel would be detrimental to your mental health as well as a few comments a police officer made to me I think that it would its in your best interest to keep you with Daniel" He says

"Do you promise?" I asked "Like your not going to change your mind now"

"I will not change my mind Tyler, I genuinely believe you are in the best place for you right now with Daniel" He says

"Me too" I smiled "Can I just say one thing to you privately?"

"Sure" He said and moved the mics

"Do you see where my Grandad is?" I asked and pointed towards him, He nods yes. "Don't you wonder why he's not seated with my Grandmother?"

"I've been watching him the whole time Tyler, I can see the love he has for you and his face lit up when you talked about him. When you talked about your grandmother he just had his head down so that gave me an indication on where he stood with the matter. Thank you for being honest with me today, It can be hard when you have all your friends and a few strangers staring at you while you open up, I commend you" He says

"Thank you, can I go hug my Dad now?" I asked

"Of course, hey keep your head up kid. You have bright things coming in your future ok" He says

"Thank you Sir" I smiled

I jumped off the stand and ran into Dans arms, he hugged me so tight and I know we still have our shit to sort through about Taylor but right now I just need to be happy to be safe at home with him and not shipped off with the grandbitch. I could tell he didn't want to let me go but he does when theres a tap on our backs, we turned around and Grandad is standing behind us smiling as he joins us in the hug.

"Let's go celebrate" Grandad smiled

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