I Have Something To Tell You

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I love her...

Naruto mused to himself as a fly buzzed past his unaware face. Ok maybe his apartment was a little....filthy!

But that didnt matter. He had something in his pocket that would make it all better. That would seal his fate and make him the most lucky man in his eyes.

He and Hinata have been together for almost three years and he finally decided that it was time to make her his forever.

But we know by now that nothing goes this smoothly for one certain Uzumaki.


A sweet voice that made his heart skip a few beats called out.

Jumping up, Naruto placed his hand over his pocket thinking of the perfect moment to ask her, to show her....AH!!!

As he stumbled around the empty ramen containers, there wsa a shrill scream and a small thump from the next room.

Naruto's eyes widened in fear. Was Hinata ok? Rushing out of the room, he stepped in a half empty ramen bowl...his foot mushing into molded Ramen.

Ok, he definitely needed to clean.

He entered what he called the living room (everyone else called it a trash can.....)

There lied a wide eyed Hinata with a pair of broken chopsticks in her lap and an empty ramen bowl on her raven locks. A piece hung right between her eyes. She gave a timid smile to Naruto then went cross eyed trying to see what was on her face.

Naruto had n o other choice but to giggle. I mean come on! Hinata looked so cute!

"Im sorry! Im sorry! Im sorry!"

He said running all his words together making Hinata giggle at how adorable he was.

Naruto rushed over to Hinata's aid, forgetting his ramen-fied foot. He pulled the bowl off her head and grabbed her tiny hand in his. With a quick tug, she was standing up beside him and in his arms. Now her sweet lavender scent was coated in ramen!

There was nothing else he'd rather smell for the rest of his life...

Wait! This is the moment. I'll ask her now!

He slowly reached into his pocket but before he could say anything, Hinata stepped back and cringed her nose.

"Naruto, this house is a pig stye!"

Rolling her white eyes, she began to gather dirty dishes from the floor. As she walked into the kitchen, her mouth dropped and eyes widened even more!!

There were dishes....everywhere.

"Naruto, do you ever clean?"

He scratched the back of his head letting his blue eyes shine with guilt.

"N-not really."

Hinata giggled and pointed to the living room.

"I'll do the dishes. You pick up all the trash!"

Naruto nodded realizing he'd lost his chance...

The timid girl smiled as she began to wash the dishes...

Naruto really needs someone to pick up after him. When he gets married, hopefully, its to someone who will take care of him.

Her smile turned down a bit as she realized it might not be her Naruto married...

But he did say I'd make a good wife. So maybe, just maybe, I'll be the one cleaning up after him?

Shaking those thoughts away, she dipped her small hands into the soapy water to clean up her boyfriend's mess. Oh how she loved that word.

Naruto sighed as he gathered old chopsticks, sock without mates, and empty instant ramen cups.

I have to tell Hinata TODAY! She is going on a mission for a week tomottow and I can't wait a week thinking she isn't going to be my forever.

I have to propose today!

Nothing will stop me...maybe.

If she says no, that might stop me...but Hinata wouldn't say no. Would she?

Shaking away the trivial thoughts, he continued cleaning till the room looked....decent.

Hinata sighed as she walked out of the kitchen, there were still some left but it looked much better now. As she walked in, she saw a napping Naruto on the couch. Smiling at him, she sat softly by his side and kissed his forehead. This caused him to wrap his arms around her and squeeze her like a teddy bear. Hinata giggled sweetly as she realized he was still asleep.

But she stopped when she heard him muttering in his sleep.

Naruto only talked in his sleep when something was bothering him...

"I have to tell her before she goes...*snore* I cant let her leave *snore* thinking that *snore*"

Hinata's eyes widened....

He is going to break up with me...He didnt want me to leave for my mission thinking he cared about me.

Maybe Sakura had come around and agreed to give Naruto a date if he broke up with me...

A tear slid down her face and hit Naruto's cheek causing him to wake up.

"Hina-chan are you okay?"

He asked. His voice laced heavily with concern.

Forcing a smile she nodded and choked out.

"You're squeezing me too tight..."

Naruto gave a sheepish smile and let her go.

Hinata stood up and brushed herself off as she deaded to the door. She wanted to...no...needed to leave. If Naruto intended to break up with her, he'd have to wait until after her mission. If she had no reason to come back, then she wouldn't.

Naruto jumped up at the sight of her leaving. He had to tell her. He grabbed her tiny hand in his own.

"Hinata! There's something I have to do before you leave. Before your mission!"

Hinata turned around yanking her hand away.

"I already know..."

Tear streamed down her face...

Naruto's heart sank. She was going to say no. Hinata wouldn't marry him. His heart felt like it had shattered. She didn't love him.

"You said it in your sleep..."

She continued...

"You wanna break up with me? Fine! We're over!"

With that, she stormed out slamming his door making his heart beat again.

"She thinks I wanted to break up with her...oh no!! I have to fix this...but how?"

He immediately left in search of Shikamaru. He'd know what to do.

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