20 Years Later pt 2

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Naruto is leaving his office when a cold chill runs down his spine. 'That's odd. Hey Kurama.'

'Sup Kit?'

'Sup? Trying to be hip Kurama?' Naruto teases.

'Shut up. What's up?'

'Right. Something feels off. Do you feel it?'

'Hmm. I felt that earlier when you leaked my chakra. Need me to watch the village while you guys sleep?'

'That would be much appreciated.'

'No problem. Summon me when you get outside. You don't want to destroy the next tower again like last time. It took years for everyone to stop looking at me like a was a demon again.'

'Yeah. Sorry about that. Give me a sec.'

Naruto flashes outside on top of the Hokage mountain. He forms and few hands signs and slaps the ground, "SUMMONING JUSTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A large puff of smoke appears and then Kurama walks out of it. "Alright. Go home and get some rest. I'll keep watch over the village. I've already contacted Kukuo. She'll watch the forest around us." Kurama tells Naruto.

Naruto flashes him a thumbs up, "Thanks Kurama. You're the best." Kurama smirks, "I know."

"SUMMONING JUSTU!!!!" another two voices yell. Naruto and Kurama turn around and see Sasuke and Sai summoning Matatabi and Isobu. Shino is there issuing orders out to a few of his bugs.

"You guys..." Naruto says. The three smile, "We're your guards for a reason Naruto. But even more..." Sasuke says. "We're your friends." Shino finishes. Sai smiles at him. Naruto looks up at Matatabi who gives Kurama a bro-fist. Isobu sighs at the two tailed beasts. "Morons."

Naruto nods at everyone and the tailed beasts watch as everyone makes it home safely. Kurama gives them their tasks. "Matatabi, you make sure the Mizukage makes it safely. Isobu you contact Shukaku and have him escort the Kazekage. I'll contact Chomei and have her alert Gyuki. Bugs, keep me updated on anything suspicious." They all go their separate ways. 'Konoha is my home. Naruto is my family. I will protect both at all costs.'

Naruto walks into his house and 16 yr old Himawari runs up to greet him. "Hello father." she says hugging him. Naruto hugs his teenage daughter. "Hey Hima. How was training with Aunt Hanabi?"

"It was cool! Watch this." she says closing her eyes. "BYAKUGAN!!!!!!!!" Veins thicken around her eyes and her eyes lighten. Naruto scratches his cheek. "I've seen your kekkei genkai before sweetie."

Himawari smirks. Hinata tells him, "Just pay close attention. She's not done yet Naruto-kun."

Himawari's eyes begin to swirl and a white kaleidoscope-like pattern forms. Naruto recognizes these eyes and shouts, "YOU HAVE THE TENSAIGAN!!!!!" Boruto runs into the living room, "What's going on...." he looks at Himawari's eyes and yells, "THE TENSAIGAN!!!!!" Hinata laughs at the sight of Naruto and Boruto having the same expressions on their faces. 'They look just alike. Like father, like son.'

Sasuke walks up to his door and look back at Kurama who is lying down on top of the Hokage mountain watching the village. He smiles at the once evil fox and opens his door. "I'm home!!!!" he calls out. Sakura comes into the living room and kisses his cheek, "Hey honey. How was everything?" "Just a few security precautions, but everything's fine. We have Kurama, Matatabi and Isobu handling everything." he answers embracing her.

"Get a room you two." Sarada says behind them. Sasuke chuckles at his daughter and tackles her. "You may be an adult but you're still my daughter. By the way, you still haven't told Boruto yet, have you?" he says to her making her turn red.

"H-how did you..." she stutters. Sasuke laughs and activates his Rinnegan, "I'm your father. I know."

Sarada sits upright on the couch and sighs. "I don't know how to tell him. He's so dense." Sasuke chuckles and Sakura giggles. "Well, Naruto IS his father. So, we can't blame him for that." Sarada laughs herself. Sasuke clears his throat. "You know? Naruto and Hinata played 20 questions to confess their feelings." Sarada thinks for a bit and then looks at her father, "Don't you think I'm a bit too old to be playing 20 questions?"

"Hey! I'm just trying to help." Sasuke says raising his arms in defense. "Just think about it okay. What could possibly go wrong?" Sarada nods and they all go to eat dinner.

/later that night/

Sakura snuggles up in bed beside Sasuke. "You do know that a lot of things can go wrong with Sarada playing 20 questions with Boruto, right?" Sasuke nods. "I figured we could use the entertainment." They both laugh and snuggle together drifting off to sleep.

/Uzumaki Household/

"Hey dad. Can I talk to you about something?" Boruto ask Naruto who is standing outside on the balcony. Naruto turns to his son, "Sure. You can ask me anything Bolt." Boruto walks out to the balcony and takes in the scenery for a bit. He closes his eyes and sighs. Before he can udder a word, Naruto speaks up, "Its about Sarada isn't it?" Boruto looks at his father in shock. "I'm your father Bolt. I can see things you think I cant."

Boruto speaks, "I just don't know how to tell her. Plus, how will Uncle Sasuke and Aunt Sakura take it if they knew I was in love with Sarada. Uncle Sasuke will kill me." Naruto chuckles to himself. "Nah. Sasuke isn't as bad as you think he is. As long as you treat Sarada with respect, Sasuke will approve." Boruto smiles softly. "Maybe I should try playing 20 questions like you did with mom." he says.

Naruto bursts out laughing. Boruto looks at him crazy and Hinata runs out to the balcony. "What's wrong Naruto-kun?" she asks in a worried tone. Naruto waves it off, "Bolt wants to confess to Sarada using 20 questions. Sound familiar?" Hinata giggles at this causing Boruto to now look at her and Naruto with an eye twitch.

"Hey! What's so funny? It worked for you guys!!" he shouts. Naruto scratches the back of his head. "Not as well as you think it did." Hinata explained the story to Boruto. After she is done, Boruto is on the ground holding his stomach with tears streaming down his cheeks while laughing and pointing at his father. Naruto laughs lightly. "Yeah. I clearly was an idiot." he says. Boruto looks at him, "Was?" Naruto fumes and Boruto runs jumping from roof to roof in an attempt to escape his father's wrath. Hinata shakes her head. 'Like father, like son.'

Shikamaru and Temari are walking through the village with Shikadai when Boruto and Himawari walk by.

"Hey Shika and Mari. Hey Shikadai." Himawari greets them. Temari hugs her, "Hey Hima. You're just as sweet as your mother was at that age. And Boruto you look just like Naruto. How have you been?" Boruto smiles, "I'm great. I just became a jounin a few months ago thanks to Uncle Shika." Shikamaru nods with a small smile.

"By the way, have you guys seen Sarada around?" he says with a small blush. Shikamaru and Shikadai both notice it and smirk at him. "No Bolt. I havent. Try Aunt Ino's flower shop. She usually goes there to get some flowers for her mom's medicines. Maybe you can buy her some." Shikadai says teasingly.

This time Boruto's blush is seen by everyone. Temari smirks at him. Boruto hurriedly speaks, "Well...I...uh...I'll see you guys later." He rushes off away from the teasing. They all laugh at his embarassment.

In the midst of his running, Boruto accidentally collides with someone and they both fall. He wraps his arms around the person and turns around to protect them from harming themselves and takes the full impact. He feels something warm and soft pressed against his lips. When he opens his eyes, he feels like fainting.

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