20th Birthday

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Toneri and Ireno look at the force in which they have to face. Their army is a good 3,000 strong but considering who their opponents are that may not be enough. "Ireno. Forget the Uchiha girl. Let's go with who we have. They get ready to escape but Toneri is kicked hard in the back causing him to let go of Himawari and Hanabi.

Naruto and Sasuke catch the two women and take them to safety. Toneri turns around with a frown on his face and shivers at the cold glare Konohamaru is giving him. Ireno hears someone lands behind him and turns to face Boruto who still has his tensigan activated.

Soldiers rush Guy's team. Neji jumps into the air with Lee as Guy sensei does his severe leaf hurricane causing several soldiers to jump. Tenten traps everyone else in a tornado whirlwind she summoned from her scroll sending them towards the air. They look up to see Lee grab Neji and uses primary lotus. Neji smirks holding out two kunai and yells, "ROTATION!!!!!!" he and Lee spin rapidly and clash with all of the flying soldiers killing them mid air.

Both Ino-Shika-Cho generations stand back-to-back. Chouji and Chou-chou roll towards their opponents with human boulder making them jump to avoid them and all fall right into Ino and Inojin's massive mind transfer justu which paralyzes them. Shikamaru and Shikadai finish them all off with Shadow strangle justu.

Kiba and a fully grown Akamaru look at each other. "Ready to rock Akamaru." Akamaru barks and Kiba forms a few hands signs. "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!!!" Two Akamaru clones and five Kiba clones appear. Naruto looks over at Kiba and smirks. Two Kiba jump on an Akarmaru each. "Let's go!!! Man beast clone!! Three headed wolf!!!" They transform into three giant three headed wolves. "I'm not done yet!!!" One of the wolves jumps on the backs of two of them forming a pyramid. "Transform. Wolf Chimera!!!!" In a large poof of smoke, out jumps a massive nine headed wolf. Shino and Hinata jump on top of it. Shino looks to Hinata who nods. She places her hands on the back of the wolf and channels chakra into it. "Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists!!!" she screams. Her hands channel the chakra into the chimera and each wolf head resembles Hinata's fists. Shino weaves a few hands signs and screams, "Team 8 Collaboration. Parasitic Twin Lion Fang Over Fang!!!!!!!!" The large beasts rushes the soldiers spinning rapidly and take out over a thousand of them.

Kankuro appears back beside Gaara with both of his puppets. Each puppet contains Himawari and Hanabi. Both are still unconscious. Temari whips out her fan and Gaara uses his sand to lift her up towards the sky. Temari waves her fan down towards the army that's approaching them and her massive winds push them back against their will and they land right in front of Kakashi and Minato. The sensei and student look at each other and smile. Kakashi charges two Chidori into his kunai and Minato throws his blades all over the field. He grabs Kakashi's shoulder and they flash around the battle field. "Rasengan!!" "Lightning blade!!" is all you hear as another five hundred soldiers fall at the hands of Konoha's best.

Jiraiya summons Gamabunta who is a bit surprised to see him. "Let's go master. Toad Oil Flame!!!!!!!!" he yells as they charcoal all the reviving corpses on the field eliminating them permanently.

Itachi activates his newly acquired Eternal Mangekyo. The shuriken pattern in his eyes spin as Kushina appears in front of him. "Here you go. Amaterasu Armor!!!" Kushina's body is surrounded by Itachi's flames and she charges the battle field and defeats one hundred opponents easily.

Sai summons a large bird from his scroll. "Let's go Sakura." Sakura jumps onto the bird and Sai flies high, very HIGH, into the sky. "Rock 'n Roll Sakura." he says. She smirks and leaps off the bird channeling all of her chakra into her fist. Naruto places his right hand to the side to meet Sasuke's left hand. They nod to each other and run towards the army. A large ball of chakra begins to spin in Naruto's hand. Then a shuriken forms around it. "Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!!!" he yells. Sasuke's Mangekyo activates, "Inferno Style: Flame Control!!!" his flames merges with Naruto's Rasenshuriken. They throw it and the loud sound of the jutsu disturbs the battle field. Everyone stops and looks at them. They notice that the jutsu is not heading towards the battle field. Kurenai screams, "Its going towards Sakura." Asuma jumps into the air, "Fire Style: Ash Pile Burning!!!" He sends a large burning dust cloud towards the army of soldiers aiming at Sakura. They all cough and scream in pain. Sakura sees Naruto and Sasuke's jutsu approaching her and smiles. 'Perfect timing.' She reaches back and punches down hard, "SHANNARO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" her fist collides dead center with the jutsu and the jutsu forms somewhat of a glove around her fist. She clashes with the ground with the deadly move and instantly kills another thousand soldiers.

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