Chapter 3

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Act 1 - Butterfly's Dream

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Act 1 - Butterfly's Dream

Silkpaw trotted through the frozen forest, sniffing at any bush she could come across for any sign of prey. But since it was leaf-bare and prey was scarce enough as it was, no luck.

With a heavy sigh, Silkpaw started her trek back to the twoleg pipe, sniffling from the cold all the way. She was greeted at the entrance with a disgusted stare from Hareleap, but she ignored him and continued into camp.

The first thing she was greeted with was a brown mottled she-cat. Her replacement mentor, Drizzlesong, wound up to her.

"Ignore Hareleap. He's always been grumpy and a bit of a mousebrain." Drizzlesong purred.

"Don't worry, I'm well used to grumpy cats because the deputy of my clan is quite the grump." Silkpaw meowed.

Drizzlesong laughed. "Well then, shall we go and catch up on your training?"

Silkpaw nodded and Drizzlesong led her out into the outside, now snowing. They trudged through snow up to their heels towards an open clearing that could be used for training.

Once they were there, Drizzlesong turned to Silkpaw and said "Are you ready? I'm going to teach you some signature CreekClan fighting moves!"

Silkpaw nodded and started her attack. She sprang high into the air, claws sheathed and reaching for Drizzlesong. But the she-cat turned her back to the pouncing cat and lashed out her back legs, which collided harshly with Silkpaw's face.

She fell backwards on her side, Drizzlesong looming over her. But almost the moment she hit the floor, she was up again.

"That was so cool! Can I try? Can I? Can I?" Silkpaw asked, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Of course!" Drizzlesong purred. She paced back to where she was. "Listen for the sound of me descending, then kick out your back legs."

Silkpaw decided to take a slightly different approach. Instead of turning around, she stayed staring at Drizzlesong, and when the cat came down, she turned and threw out her back legs. She felt them hit it's target and a loud thud told her that she had done her job.

She turned around to see her temporary mentor splayed on the ground. "Are you ok?" Silkpaw asked. Drizzlesong looked at her "Couldn't be better."

Later that day, Clearink and Dawnflight both padded back to camp, through heaps of snow

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Later that day, Clearink and Dawnflight both padded back to camp, through heaps of snow. When they got inside however, everything was going wrong. Ghosttail rushed out of the medicine cat den, pulling Clearink with her.

"What's going on?" Clearink asked. "Featherfur, Timbersprit and Poppyspots have whitecough. It could turn to greencough before long.". Dawnflight trekked after them. "Is there anything I can help with?" She asked Clearink.

After Clearink was released, she rushed into the Medicine Cat den and brought out some catmint, dropping it at Dawnflight's feet. "Take this to Goldenkit and Lightkit, make sure they don't have any sickness."

Dawnflight nodded and bolted over to the nursery, taking the herbs. Clearink followed Ghosttail into the medicine cat den, where three sniffling cats lay in nests. She rushed over to the mottled grey queen Featherfur and eased more catmint into her mouth.

Ghosttail approached her from Poppyspots' nest when Featherfur asked "W-what about my k-kits?" Through coughs. Clearink smiled. "Don't worry." She purred "Dawnflight is taking care of them."

"Dawnflight? Don't you mean Dawnpaw?" Ghosttail asked. Clearink turned to her former mentor and responded "She unofficially got her warrior name when you were out getting goldenrod. It will be made official at the gathering tomorrow."

Ghosttail nodded, then sighed. "Sadly, with all of these sick cats, I don't think I will able to go to the gathering, unless a miracle happens. Would you go in my place?"

The light ginger she-cat nodded, then turned to watch Dawnflight, at the mouth of the nursery, with Goldenkit and Lightkit at her paws. The silver she-cat was trying to get Lightkit to eat the catmint, but the yellowish tom kit was stubbornly refusing the herb.

"Cmon!" Dawnflight coaxed. "You gotta eat this!". The small kit spat and said "No! That's a plant! I want fresh kill!"

Goldenkit pawed at his ears. "Come on Lightkit! I ate it!" She mewed to her brother. But the kit still backed away.

Goldenkit sighed and looked up to Dawnflight. "That's catmint, isn't it?" She asked curiously. "Ghosttail gave it to mother earlier."

Clearink was taken aback and intrigued at the same time. She got out of her den and trotted over. "Yes." She purred, making the scrawny golden kit jump. "It's to treat whitecough and greencough."

"So mother has that?" Goldenkit asked, cocking her head. Clearink hesitantly nodded, and the kit brushed up against her legs. "Tell me if she gets better, ok?"

She took the catmint from Dawnflight and said to Lightkit and said "Eat this, please Lightkit. You don't wanna get whitecough, or whatever it is."

Lightkit wrinkled his nose and hesitantly swallowed the herb.

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