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Stars filled the sky, each one a brave warrior shining like frost in the morning sun. The breeze was cool, with the scent of Newleaf on its way. Lightpaw scuffled beside Rabbitpaw and Robinpaw, eager to see what would occur during the gathering. Up in front was Specklestar, Frostclaw, Sprucefur, Webclaw, and Quickrunner who was stood tall and proud side-by-side with his mate Thistlebush, she had gotten quite plump as she had announced that she was expecting kits. That means more strong warriors for BirchClan, but also more mouths to feed.

She wondered where Mousepaw was, he wasn't in camp and she hadn't seen him since the day before, deep worry set in her stomach.

Something isn't right...

The fresh scents of ForestClan and MountainClan mingled in the clearing, fourstumps was full of cats. She slid down the slope, extending her claws for balance and raced into the army of clan cats.

She remembered the pelts of Rustpaw, a MountainClan apprentice, and Fawnpaw, a ForestClan apprentice. She nodded to her clanmates before padding over to the two, a friendly expression on her face.

"Hey guys!" She mewed as she strolled up to the two, both she-cats smiled and nodded at the blue-silver apprentice.

"Hey Lightpaw, how ya been?" Fawnpaw swooped her tail over her flank.

"All has been good in BirchClan, still chilly though, I can't wait for Newleaf to arrive! What about you two?" She chirped.

Rustpaws eyes shone with excitement as she spoke, "Well, I'm going to become a warrior when the gathering starts along with some others! I'm so excited!" She squeaked with delight.

Both Fawnpaw and Lightpaw both congratulated their friends success before being told to hush by a senior warrior, from their scent it was a ForestClan cat.

All three leaders stood tall on the four stumps, and Cliffstar walked forward and flailed his long bushy tail for silence.

"This gathering has begun, welcome everyone. MountainClan has some new warriors and apprentices to name." He paused until the ecstatic squeals of cats died down. "Rustpaw, Darkpaw, Spottedpaw and Newtpaw step forward." Slowly the four apprentices all stepped forward, excitement extruding from every breath.

"You have all shown amazing results in your assessments and medicine course, and I know it is time for you all to become true warriors. Rustpaw, from this day on you will be known as Rustspots, Darkpaw, you will be known as Darkwing, Spottedpaw you will be known as Spottedpelt, and finally Newtpaw shall be known as Newtfoot. EclipseClan, I hope you hear my voice and accept these new warriors." Studenly large yowls of congratulations filled the clearing, the warriors new names were chanted until Cliffstar once again held his tail up for silence.

"I also have 3 kits to make apprentices. Sunkit, Sharpkit and Heatherkit, come forward." Two of the kits eagerly padded into the clearing, and the other one wearily stalked behind them until they all sat down in front of fourstumps.

"You have all reached the age of 6 moons and are really to be apprentices. Sunkit and Eagledusk, step forward." When both cats were stood in the clearing Cliffstar spork once more. "From this day on you will be know as Sunpaw, and your mentor will be Eagledusk. I hope you guide this cat in the path of EclipseClan and show him all you know." The deputy nodded and touched noses with his new apprentice. After all three kits were made into apprentices Cliffstar stood back and beckoned for Cedarstar to speak.

New Dawn: The Warriors JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now