Chapter 21 - Join Me

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Alina pov

God I hate small talk but she looks like a champ doing it. Everyone surrounded Mia as if she's leaving and the people who cared wanted to say bad things. That was a bad comparison, more like a flock of seagulls around food. And later on the rest of the people are either situated on the large floor talking or dancing.

"Why are you over in the corner looking like a final boss"

"I don't really feel like mingling"

"You better be glad i can't force the speech i already gave onto you"

"I'm so happy you did."

"So did that old friend who totally doesn't replace me as a best friend handle Levi?"

"Yep Vivienne set me up with this lawyer who has so much experience with these types of divorces. It'll be done by tonight"

"Good for you hun and i'm sending Mia over to keep you company"

"Why?" She smiles moving away and I wish I could throw this mocktail at her. I look out the window watching the sunset wondering if I have to stay the whole party.

A tap at my side reveals Mia's over-excitement, bringing a smile to my face."enjoying your party?"

"Actually it's your party Mrs. Write. And i was trying to get away to say you look nice"

"Thank you sweetie and remember it's Alina"

"But there's a lot of people ''

"Half of them are drunk and the other half are dancing their butts off. I don't think no one will care"

She joins me situating herself in front of me with some kind of cherry drink in her hands,"what do you have there"

"Red martini, I can't remember the actual name." She looks down to her drink before sipping it and smiling at me again."It tastes so good. I had to get more juice in it though"

"How many have you had"

"A few..." She looks back out at the sunrise and I watch it's reflection glimmer in her eyes,"This must be destiny"


"The most important things in my life have happened before a sunrise or sunset. So your my destiny Alina"


I'd been thinking too much after that. She had been taken away to talk but I was just starstruck at that. It was a romantic thing to say and I swear if my expectations weren't so low from Levi I wouldn't be over reacting right now. I'd left the comfort of my corner going to the small balcony. It was almost ten and I was contemplating leaving or staying.

I noticed there have been people leaving already and with Sophia being pulled away for her drunken call to her husband I'm left alone. At least that was what I thought before seeing Mia again. There was a small light here and it was luminescent on her hair highlighting it even as she walked out the double doors.

I was glad there were shades on the windows for what I feared might happen while I'm left alone with this woman."Are you ok out here?"

"Yes, just thinking... come join me"

She comes and sits in the chair beside me shifting until she is comfortable,"sober?"

"After about four cups of water and a restroom break, yes", It was dark out and I could see much of what was past that the light could help me see. But that didn't stop Mia squenching her eyes as if she did see something out there.

Then she looks at me. I couldn't stop myself with those brown eyes pouring over me. I moved a strand of hair that wasn't even in her face tucking it behind her ear and ever so gently brushed my thumb upon her bottom lip. They were so soft and inviting and it didn't help that she didn't stop me. I was the one to lean in cupping her jaw and planting a kiss to those lips.

It was chaste, not hurriedly done in case she wanted to pull back. Heavens knows what i would do if she did but instead she pinched onto the hem of my dress almost motioning for me to come closer. And I let this kiss last longer than the other then the next was longer with a brim amount of tongue. But all things come to an end mostly at the cause of someone's loud and horrendous laughter. She jumped out of her chair but I felt too wobbly to even get up.

But i could see the panic within her eyes as she lifted her hand to touch those lips that looked a bit redder,"I'm so sorry Mrs- Alina"

Before I could even retaliate she was leaving and I was left dumbfounded especially since I was the one who initiated it.

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