Chapter 59 - Wedding Part 2

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Alina pov

I've never had an issue with attention, but because I wasn't expecting it, I found myself with a lot of people staring at me. Yes, it's customary to glance down the aisle at the bride, but the only thing holding me stable is the arm intertwined with mine.

That, and Mia's eyes. It's as though she's comforting me from start to finish. As I walked down the aisle, wedding music began to play, and I recognized many individuals from my past, as well as several of Mia's cousins whom I had met previously.

Even the one that Ms. Lexy doesn't like, based on the tight smile she gives that woman. Then I took in the sights and art of the room, including the two chairs in front of the podium, one of which Mia had already stood in front of.

 Then I took in the sights and art of the room, including the two chairs in front of the podium, one of which Mia had already stood in front of

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I return my gaze to my soon-to-be wife, feeling my anxieties return from the many eyes on me. I completely took her in this time, closely examining the lovely gown she was wearing. When I finally got over to her, she had her hand out to me, and I eagerly accepted it, joining her side.

But before I let Ms. Lexy go, I had a feeling Mia wanted to say something, so I held on to the woman until Mia could say it herself, "Thank you mom. You have no clue how much it meant to me that you did this."

Mia's mother sniffs before pulling both of us into an embrace and departing to sit next to Liam. We turned to face one other, and I nearly forgot where we were in our endeavor to entice Mia into a kiss. I met the officiant, Mary Louise, during one of my events. She was an out and proud minister, which made me and Mia feel more at ease asking her to marry us, "Now we wouldn't want you two kissing before the vows, right?"

A few people laugh, and i knew one obnoxiously loud one was Charlie, but a smack soon after forced the laughter to stop, "You may all be seated now," She takes a moment to let everyone get settled but based on our rehearsal we were to keep standing which did make me question the chairs.

"Friends and family, we have come today in the divine nature and these eyewitnesses to partake in the enjoyment of Mia Lexy and Alina Write's wedding. This outward celebration that we will see and hear is a manifestation of their deep love and dedication. And from the way you two are glued at the hip I fully understood your rush to tie the knot. Seeing as the lovely pair have vows to speak, I won't keep you with my sentiments."

"Will you accept each other as life partners and cherish the solemn bond of marriage? Will you love, comfort, honor, and keep each other in sickness and in health, abandoning everything, and being devoted to one another for as long as you both live? If so, please respond."

We both repeat 'I do' in a hurry, eliciting another round of chuckles until Mary raises her hand to halt them.

"You may say your vows"

"Alina, I embrace you as my wife. To have and keep till death do us part. I open my hand to be your family and for your affection. I also open my hand to you, loving what I know about you and trusting what I don't yet know. I send you my love. I give you myself, the good, the terrible, and the yet to come, for I can conquer the world with one hand while you grasp the other. And I vow to make you your favorite linguini, even when you choose to make me mad," My laughter escapes from me even biting the inside of my cheek to keep myself at bay.

"Today, surrounded by all of your loved ones, I choose you, Mia, to be my wife. And I'm honored to be your wife and to share my life with you. I vow to always be there for you, to inspire you, and to adore you. I will stay at your side for the rest of our lives, again for better or worse, in sickness and in health, rich or poor. Today and every day, you are my one and only. And you, Mia, are my motivation, my love, and my everything. I can't wait to spend my entire life loving you," I couldn't stop myself from tracing my thumb across her bottom lip, which was resting between her teeth, wanting to kiss her right now more than anything.

We averted our gaze from Mary, who was now holding the box containing our wedding bands. They were plain silver with our names engraved on the inside, "These rings are significant despite their modest size. They are made of precious metal and remind us that love is not cheap or common; rather, love is to be treasured," I delicately put the ring on Mia's ring finger, and she did the same before we anxiously looked towards Mary for the long-awaited last step.

She merely grins at both of us before recovering her composure, "By the authority vested in me by the country of Switzerland, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now finally kiss your brides."

To say the least, I was astonished when Mia wrapped both arms around me as we kissed, lifting me in the process. When I felt my feet contact the ground again, claps exploded in the background, but I still hadn't gotten enough of her lips, my wife's lips that is.

We attempted to communicate to people on our way out as white petals fell on our walk out, but we were both ready to leave onto the fun part about this. We did, however, make genuine visits to see her mother and my friends before getting into my car, which was already set to take us to the airport.

And we didn't have a set itinerary; we just decided to go to Italy and see where it took us. But I don't think anything can stop us as long as we have each other.

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