Chapter 24 - The Cold

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Mia pov

After saying goodbye to my mom I was now left alone with two Writes. They were on my balcony talking and I just wished they hadn't helped clean up, otherwise I'd have something to do. I instead just headed to my couch lifting my legs to fit them under me. 

But that was quick to not last as I saw Julia coming," It was nice to meet you and I don't know if she's mad about the party I'm about to go to, but she said she'd make you drive her home. Sorry about that"

"Oh it's fine, I know the way from here so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well fine then. And you better take care of her or as a certain queen once said 'off with your head'" She quickly smiles but I'm just a bit confused wondering if she's being nice or not so I just smile back.

When she leaves I look directly at the woman who has yet to come from the freezing cold. I don't even know why she's out there with the frigid weather. Sighing I go to my closet grabbing one of the best blankets I've acquired over the years, having paid so much to use it only a few times.

I bring it out onto the terrace, wincing at the temperature drop and deciding against this. I quickly throw the blanket on her and huddle back inside shivering. When I do take a glance back she's just laughing before she gets up and comes inside. She's still smiling as she now sits on the couch placing the blanket in the chair beside her," how could you just go out there without even a jacket on."

"Well after years of living here I've gotten used to it. It'll be unbearable for some in December"

"I bet the snow's pretty though"

"I'm honestly shocked it hasn't. Usually we get a couple of inches in November but nothing yet. And I didn't stay so we could talk about the weather."

I cross my arms looking at her cautiously before sitting on the other end of the couch. Her smirk drops and that same glimmer I saw before we practically made out earlier was there. "Well since neither one of us knows what to say. Just talk about yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"I only know that you are Alina Write, who has a daughter and lives in a house she didn't decorate."

"...fair enough. My father is Dutch and my mother is Romanian." She points to the single bracelet I've seen her wear everyday, smiling at it," this was my mom's most prized possession. Um... I have Julia's name tattooed behind my ear..."

"What about you Alina?"

"I am telling you about myself"

"Be more specific. Like what do you do in your free time or what do you do for fun"

"Both of those answers are solved by drinking. ...Ok that makes me sound like an alcoholic. I used to enjoy running. I got out of it when my business started booming, creating less time for more personal activities since I still wanted to have time for Julia. It worked out in the end but I'm a lot disconnected with myself if I'm honest"

"We could run in the mornings." God I hate running. I would buy her a garden before that was even an option.

"You don't particularly seem like a runner honey"

"Have you seen my legs? Ok they look like noodles but that doesn't mean I can try. Plus until we figure things out we can just enjoy each other's company for now." She smiles and I move closer now bumping my thighs with her. Butterflies form when she places her hand on my thigh and I try my hardest not to pull a face but that settles when she looks at me seriously.

"I divorced Levi the night of the party. He hasn't spoken to me anymore which is weird since all his shit is in the house but I'm fully out of it with him. Really I was out ten years ago or maybe even more."

She looks conflicted and I just squeezed her hand unsure if I could even pry into that. "The last thing I want to see is a frown on you. Come on get up"


"We're going to walk around Lake Zurich. Catch some birds pooping on people. And tourists almost fall off tour boats." She smiles then takes my hands and I pull her up easily. I walked backwards using all my confidence battery to the same closet I had got the blanket out of this time taking my coat out.

"You know it's almost ten right? And if you weren't liking the weather from the terrace, what makes you think it'll be better now" I shuffle the coat on and pass hers out to her.

"Ok we might not catch all of that but a nighttime stroll never hurt anybody and my trust heavy weather coat never failed me," She chuckles going to zip me up and as she reaches the top of the zipper she pulls me in quickly pecking me on the lips.

"On the contrary, dear , I'm bringing my taser just in case."

"Whatever floats your boat Miss Write"

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