Chapter 41 - The Woman We Do Not Speak Of

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Mia pov

"Move that over there, into the box.", I was forced to stop staring at her ass as she passed some weird wooden doll with her back still turned from me.

"What is it?"She shrugs her shoulders putting her hands on her hips turning to look at me.

"Something Levi's mother gave me, she said it'd ward off evil spirits. Maybe that's why he was never home.", I threw it in the box of 'unsure' going back to my original task," I swear if you don't stop and actually help I'm kicking you out."

"I mean it needed attention but fine. Didn't you say you wanna wrap the furniture?"

"Well not today just before moving day since I know we might use them."

"Oh yes we've had quite a few adventures on the grey couch. It's so comfortable and the rub makes it doable to be on my knees.", She tried to ignore me but I could see the smile forming on her as she tried to busy herself again.

"I can start putting things up in your kitchen. I know you won't be using any of them.", She hums in agreement and I quickly smack her butt watching her almost fall over from the bent position she was in,"Too much pressure?"

I hurried away feeling something thrown and successfully hit my back as I left. As said I went to the kitchen opening all the cabinets so I would know how much there is. Unsurprisingly there wasn't much so I'd be back to annoy her in no time.

That is until I saw her again,"Hey have you seen my phone?"

"And here I thought you just missed me."

"Mhmm sure sweetheart but Sophia just rang the phone in my office trying to get to me."

"What about?"

"I don't know, she just said to call her back on my phone."

"It's probably in my car."

I dug through my pockets for my keys, handing them to her when she came closer. She took them then tugged on my collar connecting my lips to hers making me smile," I'll be right back to deal with what you did too."

"Is that right? I can't wait for that to happen Miss Write.", She slaps my thigh and soon I hear her leave out the front door so I focus back on what I was going to do.

I had quickly gotten a few boxes starting with the pots and pans then plates and bowls. I searched around for bubble wrap for the glass ones getting distracted by popping them for a second before continuing. I'll just bring over whatever I need when I cook again.

My attention stirred as I heard obvious shouting before the door was open again, almost scared by the sound of it hitting the wall. She came in looking madder than what I've dealt with jumping as she shut the door again. She looked over to me and her features softened a bit but she still seemed tense,"What's wrong?"

"The house was sold to another buyer. I was going to up my end but Sophia said they offered it on the spot in cash and even a 'tip', whatever the hell that means."

"Ok... That- It's fine I can find you another perfect house that you'll fall in love with. I promise you I can as you did with that one."

"I know you can but it just won't be the same."

"Was there anything else?"She looked back from her entrance way and I knew then and there she was holding something back.

"N-no just that."

"Alina, who did you talk to out there? Was it only Sophia?"


"I'm leaving if you lie again."

"You've lied before too."

"Yes but they were white lies, like how I said I included paprika onto our food when I didn't."



"Your dad was out there."

"What? Why?"

"He was raving on about how i should leave you alone along with some slurs pertaining to being a lesbian. I swear this is what Alexander meant about always closing the gate door. I did call him a fucktwad over the last few things he said."

"What did he say?"

"He mentioned Lana? Who's that."

"He shouldn't even know about her... That was my ex I told you about. Ok I'm going to the police about this, I didn't want to but if he's going to be following me around and be near you that's a problem."

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