Chapter 7 - Early

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Alina pov

Blowing out a frustrated breath i grew even more frustrated when my call goes to voicemail knowing he's just in his office doing jack shit

"Mrs. Write?" I look to Anderson through the rear view mirror sighing," Hate to say this but your mother told you so"

Leaning my head fully onto the back seat I could only remember the warnings my mother gave me about him. While she did support my decision and was happy for me, she could see right through Levi as she did with most people."Yea and as much as i hate to say it your right."

I see him smile under those shades as we pull up to the building and i thank him as i get out,"you know even after all these years and after i've told you many times that you could just call me Alina"

"There's a line of respect I have for you. Once you and I retire I might take you up on that"

"You're far past your retirement, old man."

"Well I couldn't just leave you in this hell hold now could i" He smiles again as he takes off and i just turn on my heel making my way inside

I nod to Ross as I pass the desk along with security going to my side for the elevators and taking one up. As I finally reach the top floor I stop myself seeing someone move in the corner of my eye. Since it's Friday I know Sophia doesn't come in as early but to my revelation it was Mia.

I haven't really seen her since last Friday when she was hired, well since I didn't bother to give her work Sophia just took her wherever. I momentarily look down to see her assembled, noting she isn't the kind to just wear anything with a pencil skirt similar to mine but higher on her waist and a silk blouse that's only loose on her arms.

Clenching my purse tighter I hold in a snicker hearing the woman curse under her breath as she fiddles with whatever she must be doing at the printer. Though I doubt she would hear me with those headphones on.

I doubt my next steps towards the woman with her back already turned from me tapping her on the shoulder gaining her attention.

She turns from the machine facing me and I actually have nothing to say. I don't know what I'm doing right now but it might have something to do with sleep deprivation or something.

"Sorry Sophia said i could use them when nobody is here and that's most mornings when i come in so early"

"How early?"

"Well only at five thirty but definitely before six"


"Well I can get things done early or finish things I didn't complete yesterday which will be rare. Then I'm just sent down to the floor and given any work that people can't finish."

"You know that's not a part of your job right"

"Well you haven't given me anything to do even though I'm your pa so i just wanted to keep myself busy" I look at her for a moment before motioning her to follow me

I lead her into my office looking at the two massive stack of files i've yet to transfer onto my laptop,"can you move these onto file on here" I pass the woman my laptop after retrieving it from on top of my desk

"When would you like them done"

"I've never given a time limit on someone and as there's a lot I would think it would take all day."

"Oh and Mrs. Keller wanted me to get your breakfast order"

"That isn't necessary"

"She also told me to call her if you said no"

"Just... get me literally anything from the places on the first floor"

"You want me to wild guess it?"

I nod and she leaves surprisingly holding the two stacks that look a bit smaller than what i thought with my laptop on top. And I cannot believe that woman told her if I said no to calling her. I'm not a child for heaven's sake! Though the grumbling my stomach sounds shuts me up as I groan, taking my seat to wait.

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