Chapter 57 - The Start of a New Adventure

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Mia pov

I strain to contain my excitement as I lean back and forth, attempting to see out the windows for Alina until I'm told to cease once again, "Will you just stop moving around."

"I can't help it, I'm so excited!," She sighs again and I only ignore it turning to face her again, "What did she look like? Just give me a glimpse into my future please mom."

"I told you all I'm gonna say is that she was beautiful. Now if you would let me do my finishing touches we could start making your way over there," She turns me and as impatient as i am now i only wonder how it'll be trying to get out and to our honeymoon for some fun.


"Shush will you?," She rotates me yet again, and I have to grasp at her in order to regain my footing. When I find her gaze again she wistfully smiles up at me before speaking, "Are you still going with that final decision about the ceremony? I know it's important for you but you know I wanted to walk you down the aisle."

"Well Alina Doesn't have someone to walk her down the aisle. And seeing as we are practically family now I want her to see you as someone she could lean on for whatever reason I might now be here," I try my best to hold in everything seeing as Sophia spent so much time on my makeup recalling the night she shared her family history. She tries so hard to withhold her feelings even after I cracked the shell she built around herself, " She doesn't talk about it all the time but I know she's sad that her own parents are here to see her get married. I just wanted to do something to ease that. Plus this way I get to slowly see the woman of my life next to my beautiful mom."

"Well if you say it that way, fine little bean."

"And please reassure her because I just know she'll think something bad might be happening," She steps back shedding a single tear before sniffing and pointing towards a mirror.

"Ok off my good stool and to the mirror."


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"Wow... Was grandma getting freaky in this dress?," I'm struck hard on the hip, attempting to keep back the laughter from her grimace.

"Shut up and let me have my moment before Sophia comes," She advances from behind, embracing me and I'm quiet for the time being until Sophia comes in.

"Alright ladies, are we ready?," She double takes my appearance, after checking her watch, with a lovely grin on her face, "You look marvelous," A sound erupts from her phone and she quickly turns it off looking at me again.

"Were you texting her?"

I rush to her side patting down the woman for the object since she took mine away sometime after getting here, "What?"

"Please can i talk to her," Her resolve sort of crumbles but she regains it hiding her phone somewhere in her dress. And I did well choosing them out too.

"Honey you'll literally see her in about

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"Honey you'll literally see her in about... thirty minutes and less if you hurry up now. It's only because you're expected to be the first one there, it's up to you when the ceremony begins. And we're on a time crunch Mia, She could be here any minute and you're worried about texting the woman."

"Well then what are we waiting for then. OH! Right me, sorry, let's go," Just right outside the door I hear Sophia groan as I turn back to talk to my mom again.

"Tell her I love her," She just laughs ushering me out herself outside and to the car waiting for us, "And that she looks gorgeous, which I already know she does."

"I will now go before Alina's car comes and she sees you."

"I mean she's seen all of me by now I think I might risk it," God, I know I'm being arrogant, but the moment I see another black automobile, my heart absolutely erupts. It was a brief moment before hands, undoubtedly Charlie's, seized me and dragged me inside the car. I was so caught up in imagining Alina in her entirety that I merely let it happen. When the door closes, my mother blows a kiss before waving to the car behind us as we start to drive away.

"Well this'll be a story to tell the kids," I scoff at Sophia's remark before hearing Charlie perk up.

"Wait, are you two even thinking about having one?"

"Okay, first and foremost, I need to marry the woman, but for the record, we are. But maybe in a few years I'll want to embrace the 'no kid life'. Now tell the man to hurry up before I feel like making a run for Alina."

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