Yesss!- Thomas

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"We made it!" I cried as we stood in the warehouse of the scorch.

"We did." Newt says, smiling.

"C'mon, let's go before they get us." A new guy named Aris said with Winston by his side.

"Yeah, let's go." We all started running but Thomas wasn't following,

"Guys, I will be right back. Thomas isn't here. I'll see where he is, meet you outside there." I said, turning back to go find Thomas.

"Thomas!" I shout, only to find him standing in front of the metal door giving Ratman the middle finger. I felt a blush breaking through my cheeks.

"Thomas, let's go." I say, grabbing his hand to pull him away.

"Y/N?" he asks as we half ran- half walked.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah anything." I replied, slowing down to a walk.

All of a sudden lips crashed into mine.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, holding my hands.

"Yes!" I cried, hugging him close to me, not wanting to let go.

——————-(TIME SKIPPPPP)————
We finally made it to the safe haven. We lost Winston. One of my closest friends, gone. Newt got infected but we managed to save him, with the help of Thomas. Turns out, he was the cure to the Flare. We had some detours, with Minho getting taken by WICKED, but we got him back. The world is slowly going back to normal, seeing as how we managed to create the cure and quickly spread it around the world. People are slowly rebuilding cities, Cranks are dying off and everybody is now immune to the Flare.

Thomas and I walk along the beach, our feet in the water.

"Baby?" Thomas asks, stopping me in my tracks.

"Yeah?" I say, looking over at Thomas, who was kneeling on the ground, reaching into his pockets. "Oh. My. God." I breathe.

"I love you, and I have ever since I saw you. You make want to wake up every morning and have a purpose in life. You are the reason I smile everyday and you are the reason I am the man I am today. I can't think of anyone else I would rather spend my life with than you." he stops to pull out a velvety box.

"You don't want to spend it with Minho?" I burst into laughter.
He looked upset. "I'm joking baby, go ahead." I say holding back laughter.

"As I was saying, y/n  m/n  l/n, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife and marry me?" He finally asked.

I wipe my tears away and scream "YESSSSS!!!!!"


It has been thirty years since the day Thomas asked me to marry him. We got married two months later. Newt was Thomas' best man and Minho walked me down the aisle. Jorge officiated the wedding with the help of Brenda and Frypan. Harriet was my maid of honour.

Turns out, Sonya and Newt are siblings. They have both gotten married; Newt to Harriet and Sonya to Minho.
Frypan married a girl he met at the safe haven named Alisha and they had a daughter named Charlotte.

We have had two kids; our beautiful boy, Chuck and our beautiful daughter, Rachel. Chuck is 28 and Rachel is 26. They both lead successful lives and make Thomas and I extremely proud.

Rachel decided to become a doctor, helping keep everybody safe and healthy. She married Sonya and Minho's boy, Alby, and they have two little boys, little Tommy and Peter, with another on the way.

Chuck decided to become a chef, working in the kitchens with Frypan. He got married to Frypan's daughter, Charlotte and they are expecting a baby within the next month or so.

Thomas and I love spending time with our grandkids, they light up our world.
Thomas and I sit on the beach with Newt, Harriet, Minho, Sonya, Frypan, Alisha, Jorge and Brenda, watching the sun set on the water.

"It's crazy to think how far we've come in the last thirty years." I mutter, just loud enough for them to hear.

"Yeah, when I first came up in the Box, I never my life could be this perfect." Thomas mutters.

"I'm glad I manage to move away from making stew." Frypan mutters, making us all laugh and earning a playful shove from Alisha.

"I'd love to try your stew sometime." She chuckles. All of us but Jorge and Brenda shake our heads quickly.

"I never want to see another bowl of stew. Ever. In my life." Newt exclaims.

"I remember the day we met in the Scorch." Jorge laughs.

"Yeah, when you wanted to cut off my fingers." Minho mumbles.

"And when Thomas and I got separated from you guys and I almost died." Brenda adds.

"We've come a long way." I repeat, staring out into the water. My life is perfect. These past thirty years have been the best of my life. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I guess WICKED did something right after all. I smile, leaning my head against Thomas' chest, feeling his arm pull me closer to him. I commit this moment to my memory, wanting to remember it forever.

Heyyyyy, I hope you guys like my stories! (I'm not the best writer) 🤣 but I am so thankful! I hope that you guys follow me. I am up for requests and I'm not picky lol Just give me what you want the storyline to be like or not its all good. Just please, no smut. I'm not comfortable with writing it.

More is coming!!!!!🥰🥰

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