Boredom (no one)

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It was a typical day in the glade but I, I had the day off.

I was sitting in the Medjack bed talking with Clint and Jeff about nothing really mostly just about what I am going to do today.

"So what are you going to do on your day off" Jeff asked whilst getting supplies for our daily patient Winston.

"Yeah, what is your plan for today?" Clint asked also getting ready for the day.

"I don't know probably annoying everyone." I reply half laughing and have serious.

"Oh no" Jeff and Clint said at the exact same time while looking at each other.

"You better be joking" Clint said with a terrifying look on his face.

"Maybe or maybe not." I reply quickly running out of the hut to the gardens where Newt is.

Clint, Jeff, Newt, Ably and Minho have been my best friends since I came up in the glade 1 year ago, they never left my side. I guess Frypan is to but he mostly gives me food, I am starting to think he is trying to get me fat. Anyhow I'm on my way to go bug them.

"Boo" I scream coming up behind Newt, sadly he doesn't budge.

"Hey Y/N" Newt says not scared at all.

"No fun" I punch him in the arm and sat down on the ground, I kept ramblings about random things until he tolerate me to move on because he is super busy.

I couldn't annoy Ably because he was busy yelling at people, Minho was running the maze, so the only one I could really annoy was Winston he was a big time bum.

"Hey Winston, oh don't forget your supposed to cut the animal not your arm or hand" I said sitting on the table.

"Shut up shuckface" he said as he almost cut his hand again. I just face palmed by face and went out.

As the day went on and on for what felt like years it was time for dinner, which time to annoy Minho.

"Hey shank" I said sitting beside Minho and I know to never mess with him and his food this was the riskiest one to do.

"Hey" he said Newt was up to helping me (typical Newt). Newt started talking with Minho, when he wasn't paying attention I switched out plates and walked off.

When they were finished talking Minho looking down and realised that I switch out foods.

"Where are you she bean" he said looking all around for me, but I was smart to not stay there, I was up in the look out tower.

After a hour Minho found me I was dying of laughter when he started tickling me.

"Why did you do that?" He asked after calmed down.


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