Tommy x Little sister (part 1)

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Requested by ScorchedThomas26

Bang, a loud noise startled me awake. Taking in my surroundings only to find myself in a metal box with weird things around me.

A bright light started to peak through the top of the cage.

"Hello?" I speak hoping for a answer.

"Holy shuck"

"Bloody hell"

"Is it a girl"

"She is cute"
I hear numerous voices, this weird looking guy with weirdly shaped eyebrows jumped down at me.

"Day 1 greenie" he said adding his name Gally.

After the tour of the -what they call the Glade- Ably told me to get setup and get ready for dinner in 1 hour.

This British boy came to me. "Names Newt greenie, do you remember your name yet?"
He asked me in a soft voice.


He just smiled and told me to get cleaned up.

These people came out of the maze and ran into the woods.
"Hey Chuck, who are those people?" I question.

"Oh them, they are the Runners, they go into the maze everyday." He replied heading to the kitchen for dinner.

"Hey green bean" a man, one of the Runners says to me.


"Names Minho" he puts his hand out and I gladly take it.

"Hi, my name is y/n." I reply, walking and taking a seat at the bench.

"Green bean, this is Thomas, he and I are the only runners now...."

He continues to blab on but there is something about Thomas that makes me feel whole, he looks like me.

Newt comes running up to us taking a seat.

"You guys look like siblings" Newt says out of the blue.

"That's it, we are siblings!" A crazy idea popped into my head.
"We are, I remember that we are siblings!" I slam my hands onto the table.

"How, you look like your 6?" Thomas questioned.

Screeching comes from the walls, everyone stops and sees the grievers rapidly approaching us.

"HIDE, EVERYONE HIDE!" Thomas and Minho scream as they jump from their seats helping everyone get cover.

After the grievers were gone as well as friends we knew it was time for change.

"Tommmy" someone screams from across the field.

Everyone gathered up top of Thomas, seeing laying there, weightless.
We brought him to the pit and cleaned up.

After days we decided to leave the glade, see what is past the Maze. Not everyone left with us. All Gallys people stayed.

"Grievers" Thomas said.

We went into a bloody battle, losing people. We went in with I think 100 and came out with 10.

"We can't leave" a voice came from behind us. Gally.

Gally shot a gun, and Minho speared Gally.

Hovering over Chucks dead body man came over taking us out, leaving everyone and everything behind.

I hope you like it 🫣

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