Why me?- Frypan

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It was a normal day out in the Glade, as normal, I was working the gardens with Newt and had a wonderful conversation. (not) He started to lecture me about how to pull a bloody weed.

"And then you have to grab the bottom of the weed almost to it's root...... blah blah blah blah" he was still going off.

"I understand Newt, okay? Can we go get food or something now?" I asked, desperately wanting to go see Frypan. I have liked him since I saw him when I first came up. It's been 2 bloody years and I still haven't told him how I feel.

"Fine whatever. Just promise me you will work after you eat?"

"Promise." I said, jumping to my feet and bolting to the kitchen.

"Heyo Fry." I said, greeting him.

"Hey." he answered, muffled.

"Can I have something to eat? I'm starving!" I said, smiling.

He tosses me an apple as I sit up on the counter. "Fry?" I ask, finally having the courage to tell him


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, but make it quick"

"I like you. Like, more than a friend." I spat out before I had the chance to back out.

"Why me?"

"Why not you? You're awesome, a really good cook, friendly...Just everything that no one else has. I mean, Newtis great and is my best friend but you just have something that I love." I say, holding my head down not looking him in the eye.

""I.....I like you too" he said, blushing hard.

"Really!?!?" I jump to my feet once again.

"Yeah, now I need you to get out of the kitchen please.😃"

I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out forgetting my apple completely.

————-(Time skippppppp)———-

We made it out of the Maze and learned that the world is destroyed, there is a deadly virus infecting everyone and that we are the last hope for humanity, being immune to it and all. After a long trek through a desert-like landscape, battling infected people (who are called Cranks) we made it to a safe haven, where the immune live, safe from the Cranks. We lost quite a few close friends, Alby, Winston, Chuck...Newt's death hit me hardest, though.

Once we got to the safe haven, Fry and I took the time to properly grieve everybody we lost. I distanced myself for a bit but Fry was the only one who could break down my walls and comfort me.

It's officially been two years now and Fry and I are a happy couple. We got married about a year and a half ago and gave birth to our beautiful little boy, Newt, five months later. I am currently expecting to give birth to another baby in about three months. Life is good here, even though we miss those we lost. This is the happiest I can remember being in my entire life. I can't imagine my life without Fry, baby Newt and our little unnamed baby. That's one thing I can thank W.I.C.K.E.D. for.

Sorry if you don't like them just say it in the comments!!! 😬😁

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