18. Advice for Rites

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Mikael stepped out of the shower and fluffed his wings out, hoping to dry his feathers faster. Apparently, wet wings were unavoidable with showers. He'd tried a variety of methods to keep them dry, but his wings always ended up wet regardless.

Umbra slithered up to his neck as he dried himself and tugged his clothes on. The shadow was calmer now, compared to how it used to be. It seemed content to limit its movements and stay out of sight. Mikael stroked it with a finger, then left the bathroom.

His bedroom was empty when he arrived, but he could hear laughter from the main room. Celeste, Sienna, and Estelle were there. Mikael wasn't sure where Nyx and Calden were. He pulled a preening comb out of his satchel and set to work on one wing.

Footsteps filled the hallway shortly. Umbra dove down his sleeve as Estelle entered the room. "What is that?" She asked, pointing to the comb.

"A preening comb. It's what we use to keep our feathers clean."

"Did you comb all that mud out of your feathers the time it rained in the Dawn Court?"

Mikael grinned and began preening his other wing. "No, I used water to get most of the mud out."

"I thought water was bad for feathers." Estelle sat on the edge of her bed. Her shadows seemed to be watching him intently. She was too.

"It makes it difficult to fly, but it's not harmful. Just uncomfortable. I usually let my wings air dry after they've gotten wet, then I'll preen them." He knit his brows. "Did you never see Celeste or Sienna preen?"

Estelle shook her head. "If they did, it was in the bathroom or their bedrooms." Mikael stood as he finished preening. He ruffled his feathers again. They were almost dry. "Do you have to consciously do that or does it just happen?" Estelle asked.

"A combination. I don't really have to think about it, but it only happens if I want it to, just like any body movement."

"Oh." She began to ask another question.

"Are you planning on becoming a scholar too, Batsy?" Mikael teased. "I thought you were going to tell me about the Blood Rite."

Estelle rolled her eyes. "Come on." She left the room abruptly.

Mikael bit his lip. Maybe I should let her ask whatever questions she wants? It might help her trust me. It could help me trust her. If we trust one another, we'll get along better.

They seemed to be getting along better already. Mikael still couldn't believe that Estelle had sought him out today. It was always the other way around. And...he wasn't entirely certain how to interpret what she'd said to him.

You'd look good in white, Feathers. Or maybe gold.

Was it just an observation or had she been...flirting? With him? Then there was the way she'd studied him before making that statement. Mikael had never felt such scrutiny before, but it hadn't angered or frightened him. The opposite, in fact. It had almost excited him. An unfamiliar feeling fluttered through his stomach. He didn't know what to think of it. Of her.

"Let's go, Feathers!" Estelle hollered.

Mikael shook the thoughts aside and left the room. He'd think about that later. He met Estelle in the main room. Celeste and Sienna lounged on rickety chairs before the fireplace.

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