68. United At Last

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    The next few days passed in a blur. Everyone was busy making plans for Starfall and the mating ceremony. Between that and packing up her belongings, Estelle had little time to herself. She had gone to Windhaven one day though, and had her warrior tattoos done.

    It still surprised her to look in the mirror and see the black swirling marks across her back, down her arms, and over her shoulders. It also surprised her to see blank bronze skin where her bargain tattoo had once sat. It was gone now, because her bargain with Mikael had been completed.

    Celeste and Sienna informed her that Mikael had also gotten his tattoos done, but he didn't want her to see them until after their mating ceremony. Estelle complied, but openly flaunted her own. She wore all seven of her siphons throughout each day as well, feeling more in control of her power than ever. Thesan had promised to help her practice more often when they returned to the Dawn Court.

    While Thesan and Ameer were there, Rhys and Devlon had called a meeting to discuss the training exchange. The exchange would continue, but would occur every four weeks now, rather than every two. Lysander and Corbin were in charge of organizing the Illyrian groups, and Calden and Mikael would work together arranging the Peregryns.

    Estelle had brought up the issue regarding Ze'ev once again, but no new suggestions arose. Rhys simply promised that they would investigate as best as they could, and she would be summoned to help. For now, she was told to worry about her mating ceremony and the events that would follow. Estelle was content to do just that, although her concerns didn't vanish completely.

    Estelle sat at her vanity, drumming her fingers against the countertop. Her room was a flurry of movement as everyone prepared for the mating ceremony. Seren, Mor, and Celeste were digging through her closet, discussing ideas about what she should wear. Sienna worked on packing the last few items Estelle needed to take with her to the Dawn Court.

    Venelia hovered behind Estelle, tucking delicate snowdrops into the dark curls behind her ears. Her own red locks tumbled down her back, held away from her face by two thin braids. She had a few pink rose blossoms embedded in the strands of the braids.

    "How did the meeting with your father go?" Estelle asked. "Nyx never told me."

    Venelia pursed her lips, studying Estelle's hair before replying. "It went better than I expected. Father was furious, of course. Furious that I kept the truth from him for so long and furious that I was already mated to Rhysand and Feyre's son."

    She sighed, shaking her head. "But he didn't disown me and he didn't threaten to drag me back to the Spring Court, so perhaps that means he's going to accept this is where I belong now."

    "And if he doesn't?" Estelle asked.

    "I don't know," Venelia admitted. "I think Father wants me to be happy. I think he'll somehow come to terms with all of this. If I'm wrong though..." She hesitated, then said, "I suppose I would go back to the Spring Court. I couldn't bear to see Nyx or Father killed because of me. If returning to the Spring Court would keep Nyx and his family safe, I would do it."

    "You're his family too now."

    "I know. That's why I pray I will never have to make that choice." A gentle smile tugged at Venelia's lips. "My father isn't unkind. He just...craves control. He doesn't seem to understand that I will not be controlled. Not by him or anyone else." She stepped back. "What do you think?"

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