69. Path Paved by Stars

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Mikael and Estelle were the last to leave the temple. The others were going straight to the House of Wind, where food, drinks, and dancing awaited. As for the two of them, they were going to the cabin in the mountains for a few hours.

Estelle laced her fingers with Mikael's, smiling at the ribbon that bound their wrists together, and shadows swathed them in darkness. When they withdrew, the cabin stood before them, the windows already aglow with warm light. Estelle pushed the door open and led Mikael inside.

Estelle's eyes widened in surprise, taking in the scene before them. Garlands of white roses hung from the ceiling and around the walls of the cabin, interwoven with twinkling faelights. The rich scent of jasmine filled the air. Mikael lifted a bottle of champagne off a table. There was a note attached to the neck of the bottle.

"Your mother, Mor, Feyre, and...Evren Vanserra arranged this," Mikael said. "And apparently, there's a mating gift for us back home from Eris and Evren."

"What is it?" Estelle asked, taking the note from him.

"It's in the Dawn Court. How would I know, Batsy?"

"Maybe the note said something about it, Feathers," she retorted. "Glasses, please?" Estelle set the note down as two champagne flutes appeared on a table. Mikael uncorked the bottle and filled the glasses, using his free hand.

Estelle took hers and sipped it gratefully, before continuing down the hall towards one of the bedrooms. She let her hips sway as she walked and the shadows drifted behind her.

The Prince of Sunrises is looking, they said. He knows we're telling you. He is smirking.

Estelle grinned to herself, petting a shadow that was curled around her neck. She entered the bedroom and found that it too was lined with white rose garlands and smelled of jasmine. Estelle studied the freshly made bed, recalling the last time she had lain in it.

Two images crossed the Bond as Mikael brushed his fingers over the back of her neck. She saw herself laying there, back arched as Mikael kissed her wings, then she saw herself as she stood now. His emotions flooded the Bond a heartbeat later. Pride, joy, desire, and love. So much love that she felt her heart would burst.

Her heart raced as Mikael cupped her cheek in his hand, kissing her slowly, deeply. He kissed the corner of her mouth, then began tracing her jawline. His nose skimmed her cheek as he breathed in her scent. Estelle hooked one arm around his neck, gripping the hand that was bound to hers tightly.

Mikael touched a soft kiss to her neck. He angled her head back with his free hand. He kissed his way down to her shoulder. "I love your tattoos," he murmured.

"I haven't seen yours yet," Estelle pointed out.

He moved back towards her mouth, his lips almost touching hers. "Undress me and you can see them." A warm feeling fluttered through her stomach.

"I'm surprised you don't want to undress me first," Estelle giggled.

"I want you to wear that gown as long as you're able. You're gorgeous, Estelle." He kissed her. "And if this is one of the only times I'll see you in a gown, I want to savor every moment of it."

"All right. I might need two hands for your leathers though." She tipped her head towards their bound wrists.

Mikael just smiled. "I'm not undoing that until I'm inside you." Her body tightened at the low growl in his voice.

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