11. Holding Grudges

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    Their first week of training with the Peregryns seemed to stretch on and on and on. Estelle was gradually settling in with Sienna and Celeste. They were friendly, but she couldn't help but feel like their friendship with Mikael overshadowed everything they did regarding her.

    Nyx, Lysander, and Corbin weren't having the same issues. They already got along well with Calden and Mikael, although Estelle did sense some tension between Nyx and the High Lord's son. She assumed it was on her behalf.

    As for Mikael himself, Estelle had taken to avoiding him as best as she could. That was becoming a difficult task, seeing as he was trying to find her just as much as she was trying to avoid him. The Boys were proving helpful in keeping Mikael occupied and out of her way, thankfully.

    Estelle sat in her window seat, an open book resting on her lap. Rain poured from the clouds overhead and pattered against the window. Training was still held that morning and Estelle had come back to the cottage utterly drenched.

    She'd gotten some satisfaction when she saw Mikael eyeing her wings with envy. The rain had washed most of the mud off of them for her, whereas mud clung to his feathers. She was certain he'd spend hours cleaning it out, if the three hours Celeste and Sienna each spent in the bathroom were any indication.

    Estelle tensed as warm flaming talons scraped at her mental shields. She lowered them a fraction. How are you doing? Seren asked.

    All right. Training is fine and I'm getting along with Sienna and Celeste.

    Have you made any progress with Mikael?

    No. I'm just avoiding him now.

    Estelle sensed her mother's frustration before she voiced it. That's not going to help, you know. The whole point of this arrangement is to help you learn how to improve relations with someone.

    Maybe being a diplomat isn't for me. I can be a warrior without being a diplomat.

    If you want to cause a variety of problems for your High Lord and Lady, I suppose. Even warriors have to know when to restrain themselves and smooth out tensions. Some battles can't be won at the point of a sword, Estelle.

    I know, she sighed.

    Rhys isn't going to let you back out of this, and even if he did, you know it would affect your chances of joining the Blood Rite. There was a small jolt of anxiety accompanying that statement. Devlon and Jorah have both said you need to work on restraining yourself and controlling your temper. You'll never make it out of the Rite alive if you let anger dictate your choices.

    Things will be different during the Rite, Estelle protested. I've been training for that my whole life. I know what choices will await me. I know what I have to do. I know I can do it.

    No, you don't. You have no idea what the Rite will be like. You have no idea what challenges you'll face. If you can't overcome certain challenges out here, what makes you think you'll be victorious in there?

    I'm not going to listen to you telling me you don't believe in me. Estelle began to reform her shields.

    I do believe in you, Seren called, interrupting her. I do, Estelle. I know what you're capable of, and I know that you're capable of so much more. But I want you to listen to me and understand what I'm saying. You can't avoid the problems you face. You won't be able to avoid them during the Rite. Don't start avoiding them now. Estelle didn't reply. Seren sighed and withdrew her presence. Rhys will be checking in on you soon. I love you, she said, just before Estelle's shields closed.

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