01 - killer stranger

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"you..." Ran sweetly hums as he looks down on the man at his feet.

his eyes reminded him of a cornered animal with no means of escape. Ran was the predator; he loved his role deeply.

"please, I beg you. I was threatened—I didn't say much! I promise! just one of our meeting places, the executives don't even go there!"

the pitiful man pleaded at him. Ran could only think of it as a dying animal's last attempts of living. it was funny to him since he could never understand why anyone would think he was a merciful man.

"what else did you say?"

"I'll tell you everything if you promise not to kill me!"

the man lets out a pained groan as Ran shoots at his shoulder.

"you don't understand," he smiles at him. "you're not in the position to bargain here."

"I revealed your names! the names of all executives!"

"that's it? nothing much?"

"yes, so please let me live!"

"okay," Ran grins at him as he takes a step back, leaning his back on the wall opposite to where the injured man was.

to be honest, Ran was quite disappointed. the target wasn't a tough guy; on the contrary, he spilled the beans all too quickly. he was hoping for at least a bit of action since the traitor was bold enough to step foot in one of their clubs.

instead, the good for nothing cowered before Ran. he willingly got to his knees and begged, showing no signs of fighting back. Ran hums to appease himself—tonight would be a quick kill. he liked to save time but he hated having to kill someone who wasn't worth his bullet at all.

it was because he was distracted in his own humming melody that he doesn't notice the sound of her sobs immediately. the moment he puts a bullet through the man's head without any warning, he finally hears her sob—which had now stopped.

he looks to her direction in an instant, pleasantly surprised to see her. forget about the murder she had witnessed, Ran was just looking forward to how she'd react to him.

"Haitani Ran."

he introduces himself since the girl wouldn't move an inch nor utter a word. he could only tilt his head in curiosity when her eyes widen at his voice, her feet taking a step back as if fear had finally kicked in.

ironically, she looked rather composed from witnessing such a thing but was quite taken aback with his voice.

"got something to say, dear?" he smiles as he takes a step towards her.

she takes a step back.

wise girl, he thought as his lips break into a smirk.

she was afraid of him now. his voice was more terrifying than the homicide she had witnessed because it made her want to stay...at least the latter made her want to run away. maybe her sense of survival was simply ruined because of her impending death.

"don't fucking move," she says in panic when he was about to take another step.

Ran wondered why she didn't run away yet, pondering if it was because of her fear, her stupidity, or something else—although it didn't matter much since even if she'd run away he'll be right behind her.

"don't hurt me, okay? I won't tell a soul."

she was on her guard as she walked backwards and towards the door, her eyes glued to his gun. she couldn't breathe well. the threatening danger or the man himself—it was either or both that made her heart dance around her ribcage.

Killer Stranger || Haitani Ran/OCWhere stories live. Discover now