17 - Hikari doesn't know how to cope

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she was kicked again and again on the stomach, areas of her overly exposed skin gushing from blood. somehow, she was topless, and it was quite laughable how she was a bit relieved that her sweatpants were still intact. Ran's black hoodie, what she initially wore, lay a few feet from her and for a moment she wished to be back in his penthouse.

as much of a psycho Ran was, she was never hurt or starved. she was never this scared. to some extent, she felt protected and safe—not that she'd ever admit that to herself.

"so you were screwing us all along?! Kenji, that bitch, he's gonna pay for this too, he trusted you too much."

Kenji just wanted to fuck me, Hikari thought.

"you're so fucking useless, you know that? like your pathetic brother who probably peed his pants before he was shot down."

"...don't talk about him," she mutters, her eyes prickling with tears of anger.

"what? you'll defend him even though he's the one who made such a debt?"

Hikari, with all the little strength she could muster, sits up and glares spitefully at the man. the other men surrounding them were either watching them with anticipation, boredom, or eyes of lust—probably wondering when he'd knock Hikari out so that they could finally touch her.

"he was innocent, you fucked him up!" Hikari yells.

a slap collides with her cheek, but before she could look back up at the man, her hair was grabbed so forcefully that her scalp burned.

"I'll fuck you up, little girl," he seethes, "your mouth's foul but you do have lovely assets."

the egoistic, entitled, and pathetic excuse of a man grinned at the hollers from his comrades. Hikari felt so disgustingly violated and cheated that she wanted to blow the whole world up...not so long ago, it was Sanzu, and now, she would be violated again by these animals.

I have no one.

the only person who ever looked out for her was her brother, but now he's gone. maybe for a while she had unconsciously leaned on Ran much more than she'd like. she got comfortable with him, but on that day, he completely shattered the glass Sanzu could only manage to crack.

I should've never expected anything from anyone.

the man unzips his pants before her, Hikari's tears silently falling as she looked away. if only her beloved brother hadn't died, if only she had more power—because truth be told, not every struggle in life could be overcome with strength...Hikari's been strong for too long, it was inevitable she would give up.

"look here."

her tears fell harder, her heart aching so much from all the things she has to put up with.

as she stared at Ran's hoodie lying on the ground, at the back of her mind, she wished to have just died while she was with Ran. the greatest mercy her tragic life could've ever offered her was death while she lived laughing at Ran's jokes or sleeping peacefully in his arms out on his balcony—even if it was fleeting.

Ran, would you even hear about my death?

if you'd know, would you mourn me even for a day?

mourn our chaotic nights and peaceful dawns.

mourn me...

...in honor of the kisses and embraces that made you waver like I did.

Ran, if not you, who would grieve me?

the man steps closer to her but as if on instinct, Hikari falls back. another kick—this time right on her face—sent her head straight to the pavement. her view of the high ceiling started to blur, warm liquid painting the gray pavement with her blood.

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