03 - gunplay

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there was a disadvantage of being far shorter than Ran, and for Hikari, it was that her legs were also far shorter than his. she was determined to race out of the club with or without her purse, walking in fast strides towards the exit that spelled salvation from whatever grasp Ran had on her.


his voice doesn't stop her but his hand grabbing hers does. he spins her around to face him, brows raising in amusement as he was met with a hostile glare.

"what the fuck do you want?" she hisses in frustration.

"your company," he slyly smiles, "it's the least you could give me in exchange for letting you live, no?"

at the reminder of who he was and what he was capable of, Hikari's boldness to say whatever she wants was pacified. first and foremost, she was rushing out to secure her survival, but in doing so, another danger pose a threat to her.

her breath gets caught up in her throat as she recalls that there's a cold corpse at the back-alley, a human life easily taken by the man before her. she felt anxious all of a sudden as she finally realizes that walking away without a scratch after witnessing his crime wasn't for free.

"you don't have to look so scared," Ran mutters, shifting his hold on her hand so that he could lace his fingers through hers.

Hikari becomes a motionless doll as she lets him do so. he has a gun on the inside of his hundred-thousand dollar suit jacket, and from the way he fearlessly left a dead body behind the club, it was obvious to her that killing people wouldn't put him in trouble.

"if you understand, you'll come with me."

Ran was sly, acting so gentle and harmless when in fact his words terrifyingly reminded Hikari of the position she was in. a powerless, young woman whom a man like Ran could kill without batting an eye.

she wordlessly follows behind him as he guides her back further inside the club and away from the exit. he only wanted company, right? maybe he was lonely. maybe he didn't mean it that way.

despite her excuses, she was just too afraid to admit that Ran might pick up where they left off.

Ran opens the door to the VIP room beside the previous one where Sanzu and her friends were. as they walk in hand in hand, he subtly looks over his shoulder to see what kind of face she was making since she wasn't running her mouth now.

"where are the others?" Hikari asks.

"are you drunk?" he asks as he lets go of her hand, making his way to the table at the center of the room.

"no," she lies.

she could handle her alcohol well but had downed far too many drinks earlier on—not that she planned on telling him that. she stills in anticipation when Ran reaches inside his suit, dread chilling her feet.

Hikari can't say she wasn't surprised when he pulls his gun out so casually, as if a breath of clumsiness wasn't deadly and lethal for such a weapon. seeing her eyes trained on his gun, he makes a show of pointing it at her, arm straightly extended as he tilts his head in curiosity.

how would she react?

she wasn't stupid enough to not know that Ran took pleasure in observing her reactions. it was obvious from the way he had watched her intently as he teased her earlier, which isn't much different from now wherein he was curious to see what she's like when her life was at risk.

much to his pleasant surprise, causing his lips to curve into an encouraging smirk, Hikari takes cautious steps towards him—more precisely towards the tip of his gun.

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